Simic Tokens

by coleawesomeface on 12 February 2013

Main Deck (57 cards)

Sideboard (6 cards)

Planeswalkers (6)

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Deck Description

I love Simic so much so I decided to make a Simic deck. The deck holds power just with its creatures. I only added 12 spells, because they are good ones, including Titanic Growth.

How to Play

You would want to get your Dryad Arbor's out first because they are a 0 casting 1/1 creature that can still generate land, so you'll get an extra land for each Dryad Arbor you play. It's just an awesome card. You would also want to get Acorn Harvest out first so you can have more tokens to block with and attack with. You would want to play Prime Speaker Zegana when you have an Aboroth out, because you can draw alot of cards, gain a lot of life (10) and have a big 10/10 creature and if you play more Prime Speacker Zegana's, you'll have a 13/13 if you play all of them and with Titanic Growth it will become a 17/17 and with Titanic Growth and Giant Growth it will become a 20/20 creature. Garruk Relentless and Hex Parasite work together because you can easily transform Garruk and start making Deathtouch tokens.
It would be a good idea to be Adaptive Snapjaw to keep elvoving it, since it has a low toughness.

Deck Tags

  • Simic
  • Token

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 1,657 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Not Legal in Vintage
  • Not Legal in Legacy

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