
8 Decks, 12 Comments, 0 Reputation

Is Ornithopter just in there for Wild Pair? Because it doesn't do anything with Cloudstone Curio and it isn't a Sliver . . .

Posted 12 February 2007 at 15:45 as a comment on Invasion


Tromp is not a very good card here. Maybe if you had a few Thelonite Hermits and 4 Evolution Charms and splashed red for Tribal Flames and black for... something; I dunno. I don't think it's really worth it even then. Also this deck has way too much mana for what it needs to do. I would take out a land and a couple (or maybe all) of your signets, but put in 4 Evolution Charms. Also since your deck more or less relies on ER I think Harmonize could help you find it more reliably. Why Sunlance?

Posted 12 February 2007 at 15:42 as a comment on Enduring Renual


If you want to run 4 Living Ends I would suggest including more ways of putting lots of creatures into your graveyard. Or just don't run 4 Living Ends. Typically 1 Akroma is Game Over, so why waste your time suspending your threats when you could be smashing face? I think you should take out Living End for Zombify, take out Tormod's Crypt for Withered Wretch, and definitely take out Silvos. It's the only card in your deck that isn't standard-legal. Put in more land.

Posted 07 February 2007 at 18:56 as a comment on Reanimator


Definitely take out the Magewright's Stones and I don't think the Thundersong Trumpeters belong in there either.

Why is Pyroclasm in a deck with only 5 creatures above 2 toughness?

Posted 06 February 2007 at 03:17 as a comment on Another Boros Deck


For your Undying Beast you can just call it Gravebane Zombie from Mirage or Sixth.

You have 5 Maggot Carriers. Was that just a mistake?

Posted 06 February 2007 at 02:40 as a comment on creeping death


I'm terrible at probability, and all the sift-effects makes it even harder to guess, but do you hit 4 mana on turn 4 as often as you need? Have you tried playing with 24 or 25 lands?

Posted 12 January 2007 at 04:48 as a comment on Reanimax


Haha. That's great! You might also include a single copy of Spell Burst because of its buyback.

Posted 01 December 2006 at 22:07 as a comment on Dragonaut Fury


I like it a lot. Leyline of the Void is a confusing choice, and I wouldn't include more than one Debtor's Knell. Take those out along with the Stinkweed Imps and put in some more of the non-legendary Angels and a 4th Smallpox. Also you should have some way to protect the Crier from burn. A 1/1 is far too fragile in any format, casual or tourney.

Posted 01 December 2006 at 20:54 as a comment on Icatian Flare v3


I think there are better finishers in G/U than Vinelasher Kudzu and Whirling Dervish. Unless you're running Stonewood Invocation I think Simic Sky Swallower does the job much better.
Or since you're not running very much green mana you could cut the Yavimaya Coasts and all the green except Reclaim and Recollect and bring in Draining Whelk as your finisher.
Why is Loaming Shaman in there?

Posted 15 November 2006 at 00:38 as a comment on Walk the Mine


Added Saffi Eriksdotter. I can't believe I didn't think of her sooner. Great synergy with Gleancrawler or Hierarch or Magus of the Disk.
Right now I have 2 Syphon-Mages in main and 3 Spike Feeders in the sideboard but I think maybe I should just let go of Syphon-Mage. It doesn't fit this deck.

Posted 14 November 2006 at 18:35 as a comment on Peaches


Added Mindstab. Very very nice at both protecting an early-mid-game Magus of the Disk or Plague Boiler from everything short of a topdeck and encouraging your opponent to overextend into said Magus or Boiler.

Posted 14 November 2006 at 17:29 as a comment on Peaches


If I'm going to drop anything for Putrefy it's going to be a sweeper. 13 sweeps (including Punishment) is enough that putting in extra removal means I will just be sitting with useless cards in my hand a lot of the time.
I like searching for lands so I'm keeping 6. It improves consistency in both mana and drawing the cards you need, and because having more lands than the other guy is the only advantage you can get after a symmetrical nuke.

Posted 14 November 2006 at 17:25 as a comment on Peaches
