The purpose of this deck is to play cheap creatures, artifacts, and mana miners early to enable unfettered access to artifacts in your library without paying their casting or activation costs. There are two different ways to generate infinite mana which can be played in a tiered fashion. The first tier gives you infinite mana in white and green, and the second tier gives you infinite in any color. The ability to bring any artifact into play without paying it's casting cost, use it's abilities without tapping, and bottomless mana pool can bring swift devastation if you play it right.
Mana is king in this deck, so I play it whenever possible, even when I think I have enough. In the first few turns, I use the small amount of green and white I have on hand to mine for more, or to play inexpensive creatures and artifacts. The Myr give me more mana, so I try to play them first. I try to bring out Myrsmiths and/or Myr Turbine as soon as possible to start adding artifact tokens to the battlefield. The next thing I try to do is bring out Kuldotha and Clock of Omens. As a few turns pass, I feed Kuldotha and pull out Darksteel forge directly from the library to build a layer of protection. Meanwhile, I keep playing and mining more lands using sorceries and special abilities. Next I try to put together the first tier of my infinite mana combo: 3 Myr of any color + 2 Myr Galvanizers. This combo, when played with Clock of Omens, enables me to tap and untap artifacts freely, as well. Using this combination I can cast anything I want or, if Myr Turbine is in play, I can generate tokens, feed them to Kuldotha, play any artifiact from my library by searching it, untap Kuldotha, and repeat. Any Lotus Blooms I encounter are never played normally. They stay in my hand until I draw or can mine for a Prototype Portal. With Prototype Portal, I exile a Lotus Bloom. This bypasses the suspend and lets me add 3 mana of any color to my mana pool with one quick tap. Using the Myr+Myr Galv+Clock of Omens combo, I can tap and untap this Prototype Portal as many times as my heart desires. This adds infinite mana in any color whenever I want it. If possible, I like to put out Growing Ranks and Parallel lives early on so all of these tokens can be populated in double and at least once a turn. The next best thing to do is mine my library for a Door to Nothingness and put my opponent to sleep, but sometimes it doesn't always play out this way.
There are times when the stubborn deck monster keeps my combos away, so I try to keep other forces in play. By pushing out Parallel Lives and Growing Ranks as quickly as possible, I can double task them to populate 3/3 tokens with generated by Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage and/or populate any tokens generated by Voice of Resurgence. This population takes off pretty quickly, especially if I don't have any combos out and have enough mana to generate a few tokens per turn. I often will intentionally block with voice of resurgence and kill it just to kick off this process. To combat any other stubborn deck BS, I try to fend off damage with Fog when things get messy.
The one interesting dynamic of this deck is it gives me free reign to load up my deck with beefy and devastating artifacts without concern for their casting or activation costs. I've substituted Door to Nothingness with Elixer of Immortality to keep me alive and keep my deck out of the graveyard... I've used Jayemdae Tome to put my entire library, (with the exception of a small stack) in my hand... I've used Sands of Delirium to mill my opponent's deck in immediately after dropping it... It's truly an artifact swiss army knife.
If you have any suggestions to make it quicker or any other insight, please drop me a note... I'd like a good sideboard so I guess that would be a good starting point.