I would not worry so much about the humans transforming but, mostly focus on them as defensive. You want to block and fill your graveyard to fuel lavamancer. I would drop the mayors for another silverheart and a couple of solid defenders. Or, you could add another volley and, again, be excessive in your defense and graveyard. with volley and lavamancer, there is a LOT of pontial for straight up destruction of the opponen. The card moose named is Wild Hunger. 2G to cast 3R to flashback. Its not a bad option but, I think you are more concerned with phoenix strikes and graveyrd filling. in that regard, you may even swap out garruk for something which will allow you to cast hard creatures. Tokens will be helpful for defense but, they will also disappear when killed. Conscript wouldn't be horrible main board since, most of what you want to cast for victory plays below his cost. He targets PERMANENT too, don't forget. You can snatch a planeswalker or a utility land (though many are so expensive to activate that it seems sort of... not helpful in this case) or a bombing enchantment/creature. Or even just something they have with a minor effect but one which hurts them if its played by you. How exactly are you using garruk as a finisher? Grim lavamancer will hurt his ultimate by removing cards from your graveyard. The two do not sync very well together if that is your basis. And if it is, you can swap out lavamancer for a different creature. It seems that most of the creatures in a deck like this should be inclined to block and die. AMBUSH VIPER! that is the creature that will benefit you over the mayor. Again, 4 lavamancers and 4 relentless will not coordinate for you, eventually, lavamancers will become useless or go into the graveyard to fuel garruk which, again, leaves better choices than they. It's on a good track but, you are trying to get a lot of aggression out of a deck which is fueled primarily by defense and a willingness to let creatures die. I think with a more singular focus, the deck will rape baby elephants
I would call this balls to the walls bad ass
I see what you are trying to do but... it just seems odd to me to have the mayor. how often is he really going to flip in this environment? I do not know!
Three words: Nice
If you ever draw superion, he's dead weight. You have no way to hard cast. I think I have an idea but, run me down your pod chain so I can give appropriate feedback Soulfly http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=331015
oxid seems a little useless in this environment inasmuch as creatures with power 2+ will be popping up before he can get out. There's also human frailty and tragic slip to hate on champion of the parish, I'd lose one. Those slots could be 3-4 vigilante justice and if there's room, another bladehold. If you dropped a champ, a mauler, both oxid, and a mountain, perhaps two (though I would stick with one), you could get your grand abolisher in the action. Not bad.
its sort of expensive... but if it goes off, I bet this would hurt bad. You don't really have a whole lot to keep you alive long enough. Not enough aggression to survive the environment. Why have tempered steel when you don't have any creatures that can attack? If you want this to work, you may have to remove the annex (white being a huge color right now), and gambit since you have nothing to proliferate on. If you want to stick with the life gain and ph. mana to burn out the opponent with the rage extractor, you need four. If you remove the tempered, you could add the extra two. Actually, it doesn't really need creatures and the walls dont needto be pumped so, if you swap tembered for two extractors and a mirrorworks, you'd be doing good. Semblance anvil amy work buut, I'd have to play it to know.
I'm not a fan of gloom surgeon but, I must admit this deck is low budget and brutal. I would NOT want to go up against this with a few of my decks. Well done!
This deck is quite nice. Sideboard strategy, Exquisite blood with Chalice of life/death. You'd be getting life at 2:1 against the damage the opponent took. With a few other cards to balance what you'd lose, or perhaps other life gain methods... I dunno, I'm a fan of that. My Red/artifact sac deck sideboards to goblinsword http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=325175 You could do something similar with exquisite and chalices
I don't entirely see why the sun titans are in there. They will actually weaken your graveyard play by bringing creatures back. Gideon, too, seems unnecessary but he never hurts to have! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=307761 here is a virtual netdeck, modified a bit by a buddy of mine. You'll see that you have a lot of the right components but, some of this stuff just doesn't fit the bill. I would drop the delvers and titans for 3 mulch and another Gideon. But also, you might do some exploring with white from scars block through DKA and see if you can find some sort of low-key tech that plays well with a graveyard theme (which will be tough but, there's always a way!) I like the premise of it though. I think having white in adeck like this could add something not yet seen.
zek is a douche ^_^
thank you for that advice! I'd been debating how to do this without gettign rid of other cards but, i can lose swamps for the other duals
You were riight about that. Lost in the Woods wasn't pulling its weight. The ramping was good but, the overall build needed work. Playtesting showed a weakness to mid-range games. Stage two did not happen before the opponent got to stage three. Against fast aggro, it actually could take a fair beating and hold them back with aggressive mulligans. Version two used U/R for burn to protect and such for the mid game. The current build is U/B (http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=320943). This one is so far undefeated (4 matches, two 2-0 and two 2-1 - tested using cockatrice). It has a few things that can go (Lili for starters). There was USZ in there but, I traded it for increasing confusion, much more in line with milling. Thanks for the feedback!
The best way to keep up with standard if you're on a budget (LIKE ME!) is to hit as many pre-release and sealed events as you can. This way, you get your boosters, planeswalker points (if they matter to you), and you gain the ability to network and trade. A lot of players will give out free commons if you need them and most of those I've interacted with are very careful not to take advantage of you when you trade. It's a very friendly environment and it's cheaper than spending the $350 you need to build a deck to keep up with some of the animals that play the game. This deck is good, Personally, I would add 3 Falkenrath Marauders and take out one of the lightning bolt, dismember, and go for the throat. Though it would cause you to have double cost in both colors, it's strong enough and can be played late to tremendous detriment of the opponent. If you can keep one heir and one captivator on the board until you play it, it will come in and swing for four (haste and flying) and then get 3 counters and swing for 7 the next turn. If nothing else, it's something your opponent will have to deal with immediately.
My collection of Type 1 cards is sort of limitted. I have about as many as I have cards from innistrad block
and the winner of this years competition iiiissss..... The. Hypno. Toad. All glory to the hypnotoad.
This is a good deck, IMO. Although, I will say that if you want to get the Hellkite out ASAP, you should consider some other spells that allow you to draw (with black, there are plenty) and perhaps generally protecting hellkite (and the heralds!) a little more. Remember: "Destroy Target creature" will destroy him. Countering target spell will stop the heralds from even being played or if you try to play hellkite from your hand, it will disable him. Still a better deck than I would've come up with though
woops! i meant type 1. most of the cards are non-standard. Also, the cards I've chosen all have similar or like effects (smother, diabolic edict, swat, or ostracize, hymn, wrench mind). The idea was to get around the 4 of rule since I need 4 of but only had a few of each. Compensation of sorts