I really should get a playset of bloodbraid because I agree that llanowar should be replaced. I'll try out the bushwacker tonight and see how it goes. Birds has done well for the early extra mana, and once beastmaster is it play I use it to attack. It's 0/1 but getting to 7 counters is vital for this deck. I definitely need to keep goblin chieftain because it allows the instigator to be hasty and often sneaks in a free siege-gang commander. Dropping a colosal might on the instigator would be down right brutal. I'll play around with this tonight too. Thanks for the comments!
The win condition is fast beat down steppe lynx. Mid-game beatdown with allies....Or a giant beat down with kor soldiers and beastmaster ascension which can be pulled off by turn 5. If this deck was meant to win by life gain, then yes Felidar Sovereign and more clerics and shieldmates would be appropriate, but this deck is not about life gain. The clerics in this deck are mainly used to replenish life. The enemy fetch lands are solely used to thin the deck, for a slightly better chance at getting another ally, conqueror's pledge or beastmaster ascension. I would use 8 instead of 4 if I had them. Plus a double landfall for a steppe lynx for a turn 2 attack equals a good thing. How about a turn 3 double landfall from fetch then playing harrow for 2 more landfalls then attacking for 8 or 16. Enemy color lands are good for non enemy color decks.
True this isn't a budget deck, but most of the time I play with proxies. I totally agree with you that Baneslayer should be in this deck too, but I was using Malakir Bloodwitch as an additional vampire which could combo with Blood Tribute. Also Malakir Bloodwitch can stall an opponents Baneslayer since it's pro white. As for Kabira Crossroads, this deck is already slow and having the land come in tapped is not good for this deck. The fetch lands make easy to have enough counters on the sunspring expedition so it can be sac'ed right after Sanguine Bond is played. -1 Malakir Bloodwitch -1 Day of Judgment +2 Baneslayer Angel