
2 Decks, 3 Comments, 1 Reputation

You just need to watch playing mill in standard. The big eldrazi will be hot for a while and they almost all make a deck unmillable. This is do to the shuffle your graveyard intoyour library effect they have when they hit your graveyard from any location, including when they are milled off their deck.

Posted 20 April 2010 at 13:03 as a comment on Mill deck (all help welcome)


I would love some thoughts on this deck. Particularly about the following points:

I added the Kraken Hatchlings for early blocking and early creatures to attach auras too (since they don't have defender). Any better suggestions?

What do you think of Aura Finesse? I like it for combat tricks(move an aura to kill a certain creature or do more damage). Or use it to save a valuable aura when the creature is worth getting rid of. Plus you draw a card off of it, so even if you use it for something stupid you get a benefit. If you think it should go suggest a replacement.

I'm pretty settled on my aura choices, except for boar umbra. Is the vigilence on mammoth umbra worth two more mana? Is snake umbra or bear umbra a better choice? Should I use one aura without totem armor like nimbus wings or canopy cover?

Finally, I have never been good at balancing mana for three colors. Please suggest any dual lands I should use and how many basic lands.

I look forward to your comments.

Posted 20 April 2010 at 11:53 as a comment on Auras with Totem Armor


Actually, if you read the Eldrazi FAQ, and the totem armor rules card from the booster packs, it indicates that only one totem armor would fall off and the creatures controller chooses which one.

Posted 20 April 2010 at 11:31 in reply to #62352 on Auras with Totem Armor
