|This makes me want to dig out my Yu-Gi-Oh decks to find the Exodia deck I made. I think Comparative Analysis may be a better choice than Dragonlord's Prerogative, simply for the cost. Sunken Hollow instead of Evolving Wilds, move Disdainful Stroke to the sideboard as well as Negate, replace these two and two Cancels with Void Shatter, and the other two Cancels with Scatter to the Winds, probably Replace the two Clash of Wills with Scatter to the Winds too. Mage-Ring Network may come in handy.
If you have the mana handy, you could even Void Shatter an Hedron Alignment.
Seems a little light on land considering turn 5 appears to be quite crucial. A playset of Dismal Backwater maybe? Anyone willing to check out my Temur Aggro deck? Likes and advice greatly appreciated! http://www.mtgvault.com/clickboss/decks/temur-aggro/
I was thinking similarly. I was more interested in being able to take out bigger threats or blockers though.
You may want to try Searing Blaze instead of Searing Blood. On a sidenote, could anyone please check out my Temur Aggro deck for standard? Feedback greatly appreciated! http://www.mtgvault.com/clickboss/decks/temur-aggro/
Grapeshot would be good in here.
Could anyone please check out and comment/advise on my Esper Control for standard? http://www.mtgvault.com/clickboss/decks/esper-control/
Could anyone check out my Esper Control deck for standard please? Much appreciated. http://www.mtgvault.com/clickboss/decks/esper-control/
Has anyone seen the Oath of the Gatewatch spoilers? If so, how do you think Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim would fair in the deck rather than vampiric Rites?
Turns out it's already in there. Hah.
Yes you may. Thanks.
What do people think of this? http://www.mtgvault.com/clickboss/decks/dark-jeskai/
It got me 4th at the game day. Only deck I had real trouble with was Hardened Scales and Mardu Rally but mostly due to silly mistakes on my part.
After getting home from FNM, I have decided that I am dropping 2 Collected Company to add 2 Zulaport Cutthroat. I'm thinking of dropping something for Arashin Cleric. Thoughts?
Possibly put them on top of the 23. It is a landfall deck after all.
Blighted Woodland could be worth a look.
Probably Coursers. Worlwaker's ultimate is her only ability that gets land out and it's be quite hard to get to whereas Courser is a big body, it gains life and allows you to play top decked lands.
Also, a Nissa Worldwaker maybe.
You want fetchlands. That way, more than one land can touch down per turn. Nissa, Vastwood Seer would be good too, seeing as once she flips her plus one allow you to play the top card of your deck if it's a land. Maybe a Courser of Kruphix? That way, you play the top card of your deck if it's a land and you'd gain life. Also saves you dropping land from your hand which makes the hand seem more threatening.
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