Not a deck, drafts up to 8 people.
50 White cards (25 creatures, 10 instant, 10 sorcery, 5 enchantment)
50 Black cards (25 creatures, 10 instant, 10 sorcery, 5 enchantment)
50 Green cards (30 creatures, 8 instant, 7 sorcery, 5 enchantment)
50 Blue cards (20 creatures, 13 instant, 12 sorcery, 5 enchantment)
50 Red cards (23 creatures, 11 instant, 11 sorcery, 5 enchantment)
50 Multicolored/Hybrid cards (29 creatures, 12 instant, 9 sorcery)
30 Artifacts (5 equipment, 5 vehicles, 10 mana rocks, 10 creatures)
30 Non-basic Lands (10 two-color bounce lands, 10 two-color heal lands, 5 mono-color effect lands, 2 cheap fetch lands, 3 rainbow lands)
Extra: 200 Basic lands (40 of each color)
Shuffle and divide the cards into 24 packs of fifteen cards, and give 3 packs to each player, up to 8 players. Each player opens one pack, then picks one card from their individual pack. They then pass the pack with the rest of the cards clock-wise, and pick one card from the new pack passed to them. Repeat until all cards from all packs have been chosen. Players opens another pack and pick one card again from their individual pack before they pass the pack with the rest of the cards counter clock-wise this time. Repeat until all packs are picked. Finally, each player opens their last pack to pick and pass from their individual pack. They pass the cards clock-wise again. Repeat until all cards have been chosen. Build a deck with drafted cards then Viola! Time to play magic!