This guy hits most points on the head, so I'll try to avoid things they've already covered.My additions would be, definitely drop the bivouacs, even the filters, and add the other 4 fetches. You've got 2 of almost all your lands, and with fetches you can rebalance the number of shocks to match your curve since you can simply get which one you need. With your current color balance, I'd suggest 3 stomping grounds and 1 of each of breeding pool and steam vents. You can also try a few fast lands. Copperline gorge to turn 1 birds or bolt is very good.Speaking of birds, I'd look into replacing caryatid with Birds of Paradise. Its still 5 color fixing, but is turn 1, so you have the shot at a turn 2 knuckleblade. I'd just cut frost giant. It's just really slow and expensive. There aren't really any matchups where its great.I heavily suggest either ancient grudge or destructive revelry in your sideboard. Affinity and bogles will generally be tough matchups. Creeping corrosion is nice, but generally too expensive. Hurkyls recall is a really good tempo based replacement that also has the side effect of killing glimmervoids.I'm personally obsessed with Colleceted Company and I still think Temur could be the right home. Your build is a little creature light for it, but if you restucture a lot, look into it. Its nuts. It also plays really well with a 3 drop heavy deck, much like bloodbraid suggested above.Best of luck! Keep brewing!
This seems like the perfect place for winding constrictors.
If you don't want to chip in for vials, I can't really see you purchasing a U/G mana base for collected company, but from experience, without one or the other, the deck really gets hurt. You will still win games without then, but there will be games, control in a good example, that you will lose a lot because not having the speed and anti counter tech.You can alleviate some of that pressure with Kiras. They are incredible in control/midrange matchups
Well, Sol Ring is banned (for good reason), so I'd take that out, but for adding, I say:Sea Gate Wreckage. Super awesome.
Because of the nature of delve, I think running a temple instead of a third pool, or perhaps over your second watery grave ,alongside the bosk will give you both a second non-creature white source as well as an option to fetch it in untapped for a turn 4 rites if needed. It's a splash, but you do have to be wary of milling it if it's your only source.
With thought scours and so many fat creatures, it might be worth running 1-2 unburial rights, especially with 10 fetches.And gifts ungiven! Gifts is a good fallback. Powerful on it's own, and can be added to your shell rather easily without sacrificing too much. Does make it seem like snapcaster would be a good choice for a strong bug build.And for a 1 or mana fixing for unburial, murmuring bodk is a good end of turn fetch.
I use it as my primary means to share brews with friends. It's really the best site imo, but I also don't make any of my brews public, so I am just adding to the issue. People use it, they just don't interact on it.
Thanks! I'll see how they play out. I've been looking into testing Brave, and I had been looking into Mikaeus over Honor for that late game buff. I'll test how they work.
I love running different types of tribal decks, and this one is looking great! I recommend running ambush viper in there, and though it's not a mystic snake, nor does it have flying like the coatl, but it can still do some pretty nice control should you need it. Best of luck to you!
All suggestions are welcomed. I don't have a sideboard yet, nor know what to throw in.
A sideboard tasty treat I like is Mindcrank. It may not seem like much at first, but Mindcrank and Bloodchief Ascension are an infinite combo. Just in case you have that one person who always wins :PBest of Luck to you!
Everyone tends to ignore the walking Mind Funeral. You gotta throw in at least two Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker. He kicks some mad butt.Bust of luck to you!
@KJSJ3 I haven't been able to get my hands on a blade of the bloodchief to playtest with but I think it is generally better than the banshee's blade. Bloofcheif and Bloodghast go very well together, if you can consistently reincarnate it as often as possible. @ShinsooKatti Plus, your mana curve is still pretty strange and a few more one drops would be helpful.This is how I'm running it now. of luck to you!
I've been playing Modern Vampires for a while and I love playing them. You've got a few things which I hadn't thought of, but for my little addition, I'd add:Zealous Persecution. It's possibly the most useful card in my deck. Give it a try, see how it fits.Guul Draz Vampire/ Vampire Lacerator. The Zendikar one drop vamps are still powerful.Vampire's Bite. It's an early answer to big threats and a late game powerhouse if you kick it.Castigate is a tasty control card. It's no thoughtsieze, but it can be useful.Being positive, I really like the Idea of Vampire Hexmage. That's a great answer to Jaces and Elspeths, and I may have to try them out myself.Best of luck to you!
Believe it or not, knights do have two Decent 1 drops. Student of Warfare and Knight of Sursi. Sursi may be suspended for the one drop, but it's best not to miss turn one. I made a tribal deck a while ago for modern. I'll link it in the end. I'm actually highly surprised you didn't opt to run Mirran Crusaders. The protection from green and black takes care of some of the strongest removal. I guess fiendslayer is a type of that, but the Crusader is just a generally powerful drop.Best of luck to you!(Yeah it's G/W but maybe it'll throw some Ideas at you)
From what I see, Naya Hushblade is really problematic if you're trying to buff it up, because of shroud. The only way you could get anything to land on it successfully would be to have it be the only creature you have so far. Yeah, landing a civic saber and a blessing on it would make it mad powerful, but unless playtesting proves otherwise, that shroud will hurt you more than help you. My personal opinion: I'd sideboard Shield of the Oversoul for Steel of the Godhead and replace the Hushblade with Esper Stormblade. Lifelink and unblockable are pretty tasty. Blue also opens up Aura Finesse If you want to flip flop your auras over and make some nasty combos.I made one a while back in case you are interested, but my sack of beans wasn't as budget as yours. of luck to you! Have fun :)
Thanks a ton!I don't think I've ever had an issue with howling mine, but it is a good thing to keep in mind should this reach a more competitive venue.The vises are a great Idea. I removed them at one point while build, and I have no idea why.My only thing about robber fly is its tendency to die when its ability becomes important. Psychosis on the other hand is a perfect fit for this deck. Thanks!Bloodchief ascension is silly. That is totally going to happen.I actually wasn't aware of Wheel and Deal, and it's perfect. I did see Diminishing returns, but reading it closely gives the players an option not to draw cards. It would be best if everything I did guaranteed a draw at some point somewhere. I'll look into the copy spells when I start playing with it some more.Thanks so much for your help, and Best of Luck to You.
Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated.
I think a good little thing would be Spirit Mantle, i believe it is called? It's the cost two that gives protection from creatures, so in this case basically unblockable. It would fit really well in my opinion.My personal favorite enchantments are Angelic Destiny and Battle mastery. I know both fit a bit out of your mana set up, but that's my opinion.Best of luck to you!
Your Blazing Specter is preventing you from having a modern legal deck, since it's a reprint with a border, though still not in a set as a reprint. I'd throw in a Lord of Riots, as the above have mentioned, or perhaps a Hellrider. Another good card could be Purphoros, basically making all your spells do a bit more, and if you can cast a demigod, give you a giant beater. He is kinda iffy since he's not very useful beyond that. If you want some serious buffs, I'd throw in an Ashenmoor liege or two. The lieges are killer, and he's one of the best because he is only cost four.My personal addition would be two Rakdos, Lord and two Ashenmoors. Take what you will.Best of Luck to You!!!
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