
7 Decks, 38 Comments, 0 Reputation

Added 2x Burning Tree Shaman and swapped the land around so that I have more mountains that anything else, seeing as how the deck is mostly red.

btw, Harrow is retarded..2 lands, both

Posted 29 August 2010 at 12:07 as a comment on Bloodbraid


Thunder-Thrash Elder and Goblin Arsonist

Posted 25 August 2010 at 15:49 as a comment on Sac-away


dude, you should get some Platinum Angels for this thing.

it's the best card EVER! It makes it so you CANT LOSE THE GAME! GET 4X FOR EVERY DECK YOU OWN

Posted 25 August 2010 at 15:49 as a comment on 5 Color Dragon


Sen Triplets= WTF

Posted 25 August 2010 at 15:48 as a comment on 5 Color Dragon


If you're main-decking Painter's Servant, what is the point of all the other mill spells? If you're gonna use that combo to win I say just commit to it and load up on removal and/or counters/tutors to make it go off ASAP.

Posted 03 August 2010 at 15:20 as a comment on Dimir Mill


Also, I think Cerodon Yearling would be a better choice than Rip-Clan.

Posted 02 August 2010 at 17:04 as a comment on Bloodbraid


Primal Cocoon.

Posted 02 August 2010 at 17:01 as a comment on Fling FTW


removed the scythe tigers for now and replaced them with Rip-Clan Crasher. Gonna keep play testing but I think I finally got it. I do love scythe tiger though..

Posted 02 August 2010 at 16:46 as a comment on Bloodbraid


I updated the deck with Woolly Thoctar and Thunder-Thrash Elder, as well as by updated the newly obsolete Shock with Burst Lightning. I removed 1 of each basic land and I am still play-testing to make sure I can have my Nacatls and Loan Lions be beefed immediately when played.

I really wish I had the cash to invest in some Ravnica shock lands. I am also considering dropping down to 3x Thunder Thrash and adding 1 more Woolly Thoctar.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Posted 01 August 2010 at 14:28 as a comment on Bloodbraid


I was also thinking about maybe subbing in 4x or 2x of Staggershock...

Posted 30 July 2010 at 15:17 as a comment on Bloodbraid



I <3 Sacred Wolf. I kinda feel like he plays the role of "creature most likely to get blocked and die" and this allows for my other dudes to smack domes.

I'm not opposed to the idea of a big beater, but I kinda felt like Calciderm was doing that job already. Should I just add 2 more? What creatures can you guys suggest? The devour 3 guy could work I suppose, but I think this deck is more effective with as many creatures as possible on the board, considering that if I ran the Thunder-Thrash Elder as sTr8 suggests he would just get chumped and then I'm defenseless.

Posted 30 July 2010 at 15:13 in reply to #77259 on Bloodbraid


yeah I am having some real trouble with this one..

When constructed as originally intended I usually find myself waiting on drawing my fifth (or fourth and fifth) lands and then when I throw a doll out I'm helpless for until my next turn. I am re-working it with a green splash (4 or 5 forests) 4x harrow, and 4x harmonize. It has more of a white control feel now, but removing the life-gain makes me feel like I'll die waay too quickly.

Above are my changes. Please give me your input. Thanks :D

Posted 30 July 2010 at 15:06 in reply to #77258 on delicious white stuff(y)


updated with two chain lightnings my friend got me and I went and found 4x burst lightning to swap for shock. I also took out too lands as I was drawing them a little too often for my taste.

Leyline of Punishment looks f-ing sick, and if I had 4x I'd sideboard them. I've also been thinking about furnace of wrath. Thanks Deathheaven

Posted 29 July 2010 at 23:18 as a comment on S.T.D.


Leatherback Baloth?

Posted 29 July 2010 at 02:53 as a comment on Primal Rage


damn that is definitely an awesome card. Devour 3 is insane @.@

Posted 27 July 2010 at 12:25 in reply to #76273 on Bloodbraid


Good thinking, a very clever use of Grave Pact.

Posted 27 July 2010 at 02:49 as a comment on Orzhov Grave Pact



power nine for the win

Posted 27 July 2010 at 02:40 as a comment on Relentless Rats


well yeah, and you could probably simplify this thing big time with a few artifacts that allow you to mana fix.

Posted 27 July 2010 at 02:24 in reply to #76227 on Reanimate this motherfu shut you mouth


I also think the Whispersilk Cloaks and the Spidersilk Nets are rather silly in this deck. I mean you have pretty much 4x of every deck-critical thing..and I don't know they just seem like odd choices to me.

some suggestions.

Restless Apparition

Selesnya Sagittars

Barkshell Blessing

Captured Sunlight

Charging Troll

Dawnglow Infusion

Enlisted Wurm

Medicine Runner..etc..

any of these would be a better choice than wispersilk cloak, in my opinion. If you have the net in there to block flying, eh, that's fine. Nice work either way

Posted 27 July 2010 at 02:22 in reply to #76226 on Persisting Headache


If this deck were mine I would ditch the 3x mana tithe, get another Oran-Rief, and two more Lieges.

Posted 27 July 2010 at 02:06 as a comment on Persisting Headache


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