Recently, I made a no budget list for Vish Kal, one of my favorite Commanders. After I made the list, I was looking at Rakdos colored commanders, because that's my favorite color combo. I was looking into lists and was surprised to find out that Rakdos, Lord of Riots has a large number of lists recently. So I did some digging and was pleasantly surprised to see that most of the stuff he runs is so outlandish that it creates a deck that plays like no other in Commander. So, I started digging and made a list for the leader of the best Guild on Ravnica, the Cult of Rakdos. Filled with all sorts of black and red goodness, I think I achieved the goal I set out to achieve, which was to create a powerhouse deck that no one will ever forget. Enjoy!
On the plane of Ravnica, deep within the Undercity, lies a domain that no sane living being should ever dwell. It's a place inhabited by homicidal lunatics and freakish monstrosities, where the only thing treasured more than murderous hedonism are new tools to achieve such ambitions. In this fiery underworld, a seemingly ageless demon reside in Rix Maadi, the guildhall of his twisted Cult he calls a guild. He values a good murder, a good meal, and a good laugh, all of which can be found in these halls of insanity. His version of fun usually involves a sadistic display that could traumatize the sickest of minds, and his followers are all to happy to bring their leader this brand of entertainment. Since the Dissension incident, he has remained at rest in his lava pit, with the Cult of Rakdos running somewhat rampant. However, you are here to awaken the demon. This creature is so powerful the strongest mortals of this plane gave it leadership and it's own territory to keep him satisfied, if only for a time, out of fear. This kind of power is exactly what you seek. You have struggled through the treacherous Undercity, fending off all sorts of merciless horrors, to arrive at the resting place of the seemingly eternal demon. With a few incantations, you let your magic surge and revive the mighty Rakdos once more. As he awakes, he nearly kills you in a blind rage. With a bit of quick charismatic charm however, you convince the demon that the only real entertainment he can find is out on the field of battle. A place where all he desires can not only be fulfilled, but find tremendous use. With a pact between you two, the demon and you set off, for the entire Multiverse is about to tremble in fear.....
When playing with Rakdos, Lord of Riots, you are playing with a deck filled with threats and damage dealing like no other. Within your library lies a multitude of methods to make a massacre in a minute. Rakdos himself is an absolute nightmare to deal with, as a four mana 6/6 flying trample is just flat out scary. Rakdos does have a minor catch however, with the only way to cast him is if your opponent has lost life beforehand. However, in Magic, this is one of the easiest things to do, since you have such a wide variety of dealing even a single damage that it's almost like the cost is non-existent. If his 6/6 body with flying and trample isn't enough to convince you to cast him, then his other ability just might. For each one life your opponents (as in all of them) lost during this turn, your creatures cost one colorless mana less. In other words, if Rakdos gets in a free hit on an opponent, all of your creatures cost six colorless less to play. That's just with a single attack to a single opponent. Need I say more?
To all those who answered yes, then allow me to introduce all of the various ways you can make full use of your Commander's unique ability. First of all, a few creatures like Thermo-Alchemist and Nettle Drone deal one damage to each opponent. That's three less mana with a single tap to cast your big threats like Steel Heelkite or Inferno Titan. How about Pestilence, which deals one damage to all creatures and players for one black. With two black mana, you can play the previously mentioned Steel Hellkite for zero mana, or Bane of Bala Ged for one mana. Or why not Cryptolith Fragment, which not only ramps mana, but deals one damage to all players, then flips into a 1/4 flying deathtouch creature after all players have ten or less life? That's four resources in one tap, and if the game goes on long enough, one nasty blocker. Did I forget to mention that all of these damage dealers also count as life loss for playing your commander? It looks like one damage does matter after all.....
With all these wonderful ways to deal damage, we do have to ask an important question: how do we close out a game? Rakdos himself can certainly end things in a hurry, but can also be targeted rather quickly by control magic. So, why not use some Legendary creatures? After all, Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep gives any legendary creature first strike, be it your commander or any other legend. Why not Dragonlord Kolaghan or Urabrask the Hidden? Both give all your creatures haste with rather large bodies, and easily enjoy the first strike advantage. Feeling particularly cruel? Why not use Rakdos to power out Emrakul, the Promised End? Anyone can see that a 13/13 flying, trample, and protection from instants is a threat, adding first strike makes matters even worse. Also, there is the additional bonus of controlling an opponent for one of their turns, even if they get another one afterward. You can use that turn to finish off that annoying control deck that's been slowing down your progress all game, or using cards like that oh so treasured City of Brass to help cause enough life loss to finish them with your own damage engines. Maybe Legends are a little to simple for you, maybe you need a way to win that will send a message to the board? Why not try one of your Planeswalkers? Ob Nixilis Reignited can net you tons of card advantage throughout the game, enough to give you plenty of value even if he doesn't get off his ultimate ability. If he does...well who won't be haunted by dying to merely watching anyone drawing a card? Or maybe you want a more technical approach with Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast? Gather a small army of 1/1 defenders that you can sacrifice to remove creatures and artifacts that you don't like, or go big and copy an artifact on the field or in a grave. Who doesn't enjoy three Sol Rings or Platinum Angels? Why not make a better impression by winning with a combination of Daretti and Hellkite Tyrant, which just gives you the win when you have twenty or more artifacts while stealing all artifacts as it enters the battlefield? With red and black (and an ancient demon as an ally) no one will be able to guess how they will meet their end. With a touch of creativity and enough madness to fill an asylum, you have more than enough ways to win a game, all with laughing maniacally while the opposition suffers.