I had actually already made a few of the changes you mentioned. Just hadn't updated it here yet :P Yeah dual lands are a bit too pricey for me :) but I always keep my eyes open for good deals at my local card shops. One of the things I did earlier without updating here actually. Used mana leak in place of negate and essence scatter. I actually removed harm's way in order to make the deck standard earlier too. I moved in some wall of frosts so I have something to keep them from killing me till I get out the leviathan. I like the draw and scry suggestions. However, I'm unsure what I should drop in order to add them? I have a couple crystal balls laying around. It's standard now :)
What would you suggest I take out for them?
I changed things around a bit and implemented some of unknownhunters suggestions. Does it look better?
Thanks, I took a lot of your suggestions and tried to implement them. However, I am on a budget so I only put two captivating vampires in and no basilisk collars. Does it look better?