Cheers for the comment, i can't see like you said that blue will improve this deck at this time, maybe inn time i will concider using blue just for the experiment.i'm always looking for cards that can improve this deck to be better. I see that inn every new block of magic there is some cards that can be brought inn.
I don't know really, when i found him i focused on the black and white. I am pretty new to building commander decks so i wanted to use only black and white. i was considering building the deck around only enchantments, but it fell apart i think that is why blue fell out.3 color comination is not my best side to build, but if you have any input on how to make it better with blue i'm very happy too hear.
This deck look so much fun :D i have played the game and it scared the hell out of me.. I'm not a very good mtg deck builder, but Claustrophobia looks fun in this deck?
Okei thnx, i will do that :)
Well new update on the deck..
Done, put in some more burn spells :)
How about putting in Murder for Ultimate Price? It cost 1 more black to play, but it takes out any creature.. But the deck is really cool for a Hyper Budget deck. I would easy picked this deck if it was my first cheap deck. :)
Must say that this deck is awesome.. like the Legends that are in this.. Do u play this or is it just for fun that you have made it?
Always found the gate deck interesting.. i hope too build a deck like this one time.. thank you for the inspiration ;)
this deck looks awesome.. this one could be fun to play against any of my friends decks..
why not use Lightning Bolt? instead of Lightning Strike? is it cause of the edition?? :) but the deck looks fun :)
are u sure about that?? :P
Hmm, Hydra Deck.. Could build a tribe deck around that creature :p
it's a great deck.. but when playing against it i must say it can be a pain in the ass.. hehe ^^ but gotta love the fun off it
gotta too say that i hate meeting this deck when it works the full out. But it's fun to try anyways.. hehe
this would be a pain too meet, hope i never do.. mohahaha :P