Thank you, they're brilliant!Also to update on the performance of this deck: i have been running it online in arena, and it is very consistent.I mostly lose to boards that go very wide, or against decks that are heavily focused on white "prison" enchantments but other than that, most games feels like a cakewalk.If my opponent is not flooding me with weenies, but has big scary dudes, they get either countered, removed og bounced. And most of these options comes with the added bonus of strengthening my spybug/phantasm and it lets me surveil. I am seriously impressed with this decks performance.
Thank you for the elaborate answer my friend!I will sideboard Blood Operative, Mission Briefing and Discovery//Dispersal and give the deck as is a run at my lgs fnm.Are you planning to follow suit with the rest of the guilds coming with RNA? Love your guides BTW!
Hi,If I got the dimir guild kit from GRN, what would be logical singles to pull from that to upgrade this deck with? Keeping it standard legal as I want to try going to a lgs and give it a whirl.
The remastered Terran soundtrack from Starcraft Broodwar. Makes me feel epic and strategic! haha!