not too shabby! I like the idea overall! Feel free to check out my human aggro weenie deck, it has been pretty successful and can compete with almost anything depending on the first hand.
nice cheap deck lol looks like it would run pretty well
i like the idea but id like to see it in action lol i feel like a g/w would be faster than this simply bc it is not looking for so many colors. hero of oxid ridge is pretty good against weenie decks, but against some of them, it would do very little. hero of bladehold would help in some formats and allow for a game winner at some points. inquisitors flail+first strike=win. i would try that out too and see if you like that. i built a human deck that works wonders. i honestly havent lost yet.
you should be running body and mind over the other swords. mayor of avabruck+body and mind=3,3 wolf tokens when transformed. added bonus to transform the mayor. i have a similar deck, feel free to check it out lol good overall idea though man, and explaining in the description why you traded out cards is helpful :)
thanks man for all of the advice! it really does help lol
I ordered most of these pieces off line so i am still getting them in currently, but when i can physically change them, then i will change the deck around lol just so then i dont confuse myself. what kinds of decks do you think i'd have problems against? sideboard tips??
how would you organize my sideboard then? lol cause i liked what you just gave me, would you move bonds of faith then to the sideboard?
Invisible Stalker + Angelic Overseer = Bad day for the other guy
Thanks man that does help quite a bit, the only reason i don't have most of the cards you posted is due to their price lol the reason i didnt want to mainboard sun titan or jura was due to that this deck is supposed to move super quick and if it doesnt, then its hard to stabilize against some of the other decks that are hard to beat when they reach 6 mana lol why would you remove the bladeholds? jw
try drawing a sample hand. It seemed like got 2 mana 3 out of 5 times i drew
I've seen your posts on a couple of human decks and have tried to build one that agrees with most of the stuff you have said, but still has my own flair. I agree about the adaptive automaton and bell-ringers. It doesnt belong. Bonds of faith would be a card I would definately add to that deck list though. It would help with so much, and lets say there is a spellskite? you got a human based deck. You could do with a few less creatures anyway. Maybe another mana or two? I only ran 22 for a while and would sometimes end up with way too little be a keepable hand. Please check out my human deck and let me know what you think. It is a work in progress, so the sideboard is just other options.
thats a good idea. i will through that in a side board. i am currently trying to see problems i run into then make a sideboard from that.
i would add a honor of the pure for some added strength for under two dollars a hotp and i think it would really help for the decks that have heavy hitters