oh and btw you do realise that you lose your storm count if you use timewalk
tournament quality? really? this isn't allowed to be in tournaments because you are only allowed: ONE demonic tutor ONE black lotus ONE ancestral recall ONE time walke ONE of each mox Anyway thats just me trying to be annoying but even if you are using proxies to play casual like me be sure to exclude power nine and put one of the restricted cards in the deck. :)
decent simple yet effective. you might want thoughtseize.
you might want to add gideon jura since it is a gideon jura deck. it goes well with gideons lawkeeper
no need for hollow specter you got hypnotic add 4 hymm to tourach need 4 duress maybe a prithing needle you might want underworld dreams you might want 4 flesh reavers and re categorise it. this is not a control deck it is a discard deck. there is no such thing as a red control deck. control is mostly blue or mono black
this is pretty standard it isn't the best deck because it cannot win on turn 1. don't call a deck the best unless you have won DCL sanctioned tournaments with it. it just makes you look like a retard. not smart
nice pun in the title :)
You are only allowed one tolarian academy in your deck. its restricted in vintage or banned in legacy. i know its a casual deck and all but when cards too powerful people restrict them.
i also built a deck based on forced fruition, underworld dreams and liliana's caress. deal and wheel is a very good card but if you have red mana it is also good to have runeflare trap and wheel of fortune. shame 3 types of mana is a tad too much
black lotus+tinker=blightsteel colosuss i am reluctant to add it to my deck though. black lotus is too unrealistic