actually thats y i have the gravecrawler in there so i can just keep recasting him to untap and gravecrawler grimgrin and gravepact make a nice little combo i think
yea thanks thats what ive been trying to do is get it down to 60 but im not sure of what to take out or change thanks for the card idea ill look into it.
ok thanks for all the advice
lol interesting its nice lol
yea i only have one of them that is the problem i really like that card to. and im trying to get my hands on a sensei's divine top cause from what ive seen that card is rediculous
ok and what are your thoughts about what i should take out to put in these cards id like to put in 2 of those signets and 2 of the oblivion ring?
ok and what about like unsummon and vapor snag would they fit it there well?
hmm ok ill have to work on bridging that gap. like what kind of signets? im not to familiar with those. and yea i have a couple of arrests and a journey to nowhere ill try to fit in there. i want some more lands but those r to expensive right now. are there any like blue removal cards or anything?
yes they do theyve all been playing for awhile and are pretty good they all use a bunch of like legendary lands and such. so i thought that card would fit pretty nicely. thank you though. and what are your thoughts on victory's herald instead of serra angel?
sorry mistook serra angel for serra ascendant. how do you think that card would do? serra ascendant
yea serra angel looks good think ill add a couple of them but should i add more to get my life up faster then or rely on the perimeter captain?
yea im a beginner thats y im looking for some help. i just tried to put some stuff together. for themes i dont rele know? just looking for any suggestions thank you :)
thank you. i tried to put in enough defenders and stuff to keep them from attacking to buy me time to get out elesh norn. but i was unsure of what to do thanks for the advice.
i like your deck im just trying to stay away from the burn cards im not a big fan of them but im finding its hard to get around using them for this type of thing lol
yea i like glimpse i just dont wanna spend the money for it :( lol thanks for the help though :D