A deck by this name needs 4x sunlance ^_^
For the most part, this will play like a burn deck. As such, I would love to see some mana acceleration.
I just wrote up a Birthing Pod based deck. Comments would be apprecaited: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=200837
I am concerned with your dependance on CMC 6 solutions to your lost life. Many opponents will expect to swing for a full 20 damage by that turn and you are making the goal easier for them in the early game. Even if you play down a Phyrexian Unlife, you are still a timb bomb to killing yourself, you are subject to enchantment removal and putting yourself at further risk from the rampant infect decks that are out now. I am not sure I have all the answers on this one. You could run Children of Korlis as an early game renewal option when you have all these abilites to sac off you life. Maybe you should look at pain to draw options and run Solitary Confinement. Also, I would like to see Transcendance at least sideboarded on this deck.
If you are going for Bringers, Composite Golem is abusable to convert 6 colorless to the one-of-each mana costed creatures.
Other than having alot of deathtouch creatures, how is this deck abusing the ability? I did at one point look at making a death touch abuse deck, but never got a card list finished. Feel free to take a look at what I was putting together: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=130830
I think this deck would only be made more effective by running lands, it doesn't really monopolize on the landlessness. I would suggest running cards like Balance, Armageddon, Elvish Piper, or even Goblin Charbelcher.
I liked this enough to make my own Mono U variant that runs at instant speed. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=200002
Very graceful use of Cunning Wish to pull the lose combo.
I actually like the concept of Isochron (imprint Angel's Grace). So that I can play all Pacts for free at a cost of CMC 3 (then 2 per turn). But even a Pact of the Titan every turn is not a reliable win. Also, the Pacts sort of don't work well with Isochron. Example: Why imprint a Pact of Negation rather than a counterspell (or an Assert Authority)? I guess I could go Isochron and Panoptic, then back with Tinker and Fabricate as a way to get enough momentum to win, but we are really depending a single pact (Titan) to win the game for us, which means that having all the artifacts we want in hand still will not net us more than 1/turn of the titans I naturally draw into. The problem I am running into is figuring out how to win with this deck. Pacts are expensive for their effect (until you find a way to negate that) and this deck has issues with mana screw (for having too many colors). So the early game is kind of hosed. The only 'win' conditions are Hive Mind + Pact (off color for your opponent), so that they copy the spell then lose the game; or Pact of the Titan swarm. I considered chaining Ashenod's Altar + Summoner's Pact -> Gamekeeper -> Academy Rector (or any shorter chain that pulls the accelerated enchantment); then winning on the Hive Mind + Pact combo, but that takes a huge portion of the deck and still requires 4-5 Mana. Alternately I was looking at Djinn Illuminatus + [Loss Negation / Upkeep Negation] + Pact of the Titan, but that is even harder to pull off requiring two expensive combo pieces to come together and a specific pact in hand.
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=130256 I went ahead and posted my current running Goblin Charbelcher based deck for you to take a look at. It is far from manaless but it consistantly pulls Mana Severance + Goblin Charbelcher by about 4th turn, which I was having rouble hitting with draws off of your deck. See if there is something you can take away from it.
It seems like you have devoted all of your deck to mana production with no regard for finding your combo card, producing disruption or surviving long enough to pull off your combo. Charbelcher requires a hefty 7 CMC to hard cast and activate and this deck has trouble laying down a consistant mana curve (though it has the concept of acceleration down). I would probably suggest laying off the mana acceleration a bit and focus on surviving long enough to see the charbelcher fire.
It does. It actually creates an infinite loop. 1. Activated: Stuffy Doll deals 1 damage to itself 2. Triggered: Stuffy Doll deals 1 damage to opponent. 3. Triggered: Guilty Conscience deals 1 damage to Stuffy Doll 4. Repeat from step 2.
Duress is strictly better than Despise, I would suggest -2 Despise +2 Duress. Also, take a look at my MonoW version. I am a bit lost on some of the balance yet. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=131492
Yes, and Paladin of Prahv for Felidar Sovereign. Any suggestions on better creatures for the low end of the mana curve?... Azorius First-Wing and Mourning Thrull also seem a bit sub-par.
Worship + Phyrexian Processor is the traditional win condition for a 'Processed' style combo deck. Adding NDE makes your chances of winning off a combo there alot more reliable.
As a casual player that does alot of massive multiplayer, I will also point out that this has the potential kill ALL of your opponents in the event that you successfully cast your CMC 6 (or CMC 3 w/ S&T) combo... One at a time as their upkeeps come up.
Considering swapping Exalted Angels for Baneslayer Angels...
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