Hmmm, good point. Though i was aiming more for the weenie theme with lots of utility rather than aggro with this deck.
financial issues :p plus i feel like 4 cranial platings are kind of overkill..
Any advice, critique or praise about parts of the decks is really appreciated.
I would take out one dragon fodder and add the charm to the sideboard. So you can have 3 blightnings.
You should add blightning. It's sick.
I get that you don't want to mainboard mistcutter when you have 3 rakdos' return, but why not sb it? Its the best answer in standard to mono blue. I was also wondering why you have anger of the gods in mainboard when its kills your caryatids and sometimes your scavenging ooze. i read your comment about anger, but it just seems to me like mizzuim mortars would be better. Im also sort of wondering why deathrite shaman isnt in this? But maybe anger gets in the way. With more mizzium and less anger of hte gods that would't be a problem though. I really like this deck though, i didn't really think a solid jund deck was possible in the current standard, but it seems you proved me wrong ;)
I think this deck moving more towards being mid-range if u take out the kill spells and add more creatures. Making control is pretty much the archtype i think im pretty good at, and i really have no idea why anyone would have sylvan caryatid and prognostic sphinx in a control deck. Midrange, sure. But the thing about creatures in a control deck is that they are finishers, and that makes it really important that they 1) pack a punch 2) arent easily removed and 3) they dont interfere with the rest of your gameplan. Spinx only fills out the 2). it doesnt do much damage and it can kill a control deck if u use it's ability that makes it somewhat resilient. I think you have to take into account that you're running bug control, not esper or U/W/R which usually run sphinx' revalation x4 and azorius charm x 2-3-4. Compared to that diviniation and opportunity isn't enough to give you card advantage while fueling the sphinx. And like u said urself, there are a lot of answers for planeswalkers right now so jace wont always be able to contribute. most control decks are running 1-4, maybe 5 creatures. 9 is just out of this world imo. My concern with a creature count that high is that it will greatly affect your ability to answer to your opponents advances. While the sphinx scry is handy, i just dont think it makes up for it's flaws in constructed. I think it's a great card in draft and sealed though. And regarding the caryatid, i just think it would be much better in a midrange deck than in control, but again thats just personal preference. I Would definitely remove a couple creatures to have more removal. Sorry for the wall of text, but thats just my two cents :)
well syncopate is mainly against aggro, not control so it may be a sideboard card for you. Another great card against aggro is warped physique, especially when you have a lot of card-draw. Inaction Injunction is also really underrrated in my opinion. It holds an attacker or an activated ablity, plus you get to draw a card.
I love bug control, and i have a few pointers. Instead of prognostic sphinx i would add reaper of the wilds. It doesn't take away your card advantage like sphinx can and is almost as resilient as aetherling. I would also take out the sylvan caryatid and add an additional land. That means you have 3 spots left. With these 3 spots i wouId probably add 2 ashiok, nightmare weaver and move one desecreation demon into your main deck. would then take out both dimir charm and and doom blade and replace them with 2 syncopates and 1 essence scatter and 1 cyclonic rift ( Aetherize is a cheaper, but not quite as good replacement). And last, you might want to replace divination with pilfered plans. It does the exact same, but then a little more. Divination or pilfered plans is just a matter of taste though, i doubt it will make a whole lot of difference :) Hope this helps, and i'm sure this deck has the potential to be great! If u want to run thoughtseize you should have least 3 or 4 though. This is because you want it in your opening hand as often as possible.
I have more removal in the sideboard in case i really need it, but i just dont know i would take out for it if i was maindecking it. Any suggestions? Thanks for the comment mate!
oh ok. the only other thing i thought of was maybe switching out the gladecover scout for another 1 drop. i know you have some nice enchanments in here, but i dont get the feel thats what the deck is really all about. Maybe Dryad militant, judge's familiar, suntail hawk or trained caracal?
Did you consider brindle boar? Sacrifice to gain a bunch of life. Did some great work for me in combination with voracious wurm in a draft ones.
I like the mutavaults, dont get me wrong, they are insane in sliver decks, but you have to count them outside of your mana base imo. They give you no colored mana AND they wont be used for mana most of the time. You basically have 16 lands here..
its not only a free scry, its a duo-land. And the free scry more than makes up for the fact that it comes in tapped.
ral is better in midrange imo. So i would definitly use jace over ral. He's expensive though.
yes, at least sideboard. From what i've been seeing on youtube, a lot of pros say its the second best card in standard atm. Only second to Voice of resurgence.
divination is a sorcery, but hear me out. You are probably not going to use divniation early, because you have cards in hand. Therefore, later in the game when it becomes more vital you will have mana to cast it for (ONLY!!!) three mana and still have mana to make your opponents wary. At least that is my experience from using it in control. And 2 draws for 3 mana is pretty fu**ing mana effective anyway. If u want instant, then opportunity s just way better than inspration.
I would probably add more draw if i were you. Maybe jace, architect instead of ral zarek? Or a couple of draw cards like divination instead of 4 dissolves when you have 3 counterflux'es and 3 syncopates? You wouls still have 2 dissolves, but i think most control decks these days lack draw. If you found any of this helpful, please take a look at my uwr midrange! :D
Jace is also there for longer matches with card-draw in mind. I dont think this is the deck for azorious charm. I love that card and i use it in my esper control, but i would rather have permanent removal from chained to the rocks and magma jet. MJ also has scry which is pretty much equally good in this perticualr deck because it allows me to set up my midgame (moreso than draw i think). If i need draws i can switch in jace for the longer matches. The lifelink really isnt that great when stormbreath dragon has protection from white either : P Thank you for your advice though!
Thank you so much! The Ajani is obvious now that you say it. And i completely forgot about Chained to the rocks. I still have no idea what to do about the sideboard yet, so ill just add the sceond assemble the legion for now :)
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