i mean dingus egg
whats to stop dingus staff from hurting you too?
wow... i LOVE that concept for a deck, check out mine and please give me some feeback on it: http://www.mtgvault.com/viewdeck.php?did=9303
im trying to make this deck standard, otherwise i would have added static orb, brood sliver, and muscle sliver to replace my might sliver.
wow.... nice deck... but i would think its kind of slow. Please rate my [Creature Destruction Concept deck]
oh nevermind i get how it works, wow this deck is actually pretty good, i'd rate it a 9/10
Yo dawg, first off your shits too slow, second off, why is circle of affliction in as a sideboard?
ummmm so im confused how are you going to mill your opponent? anyway please review my [creature destruction concept deck]
Pretty nice deck, one of the more stable elf decks ive seen, id rate 7/10 please rate my creature destruction concept deck.
Nice deck, this deck was actually inspiration for my poison deck but i was too poor to afford hivestone and cover of darkness so i got whispersilk clock instead
why do you have echoing decay and what spell is turning opponent's lands into creatures?
why do you have 8 wild growths
never heard of rith's grove until now haha
I guess you can put some emerald medallions to lower cost
interesting... a multicolored creature destruction/agro deck
your combo would also work in an elf deck, anyway nice deck overall but I would replace wild dogs with some other weenie creature like uktabi drake. Rate my decks please: Shadow Lifelink and Creature Destruction Concept
Interesting deck.... but I am kind of skeptic on how you are able to get alot of these creatures or instants out because it seems as though you use alot of mana... but it does seem like this deck can work once it gets rolling. Check out my deck: creature destruction concept and shadow lifelink deck
why do you have slaughter pact?
I agree with the first comment, would seem like a slow start but I can see now that once it gets rolling then its already good game. Please comment on my shadow deck and my creature destruction concept deck.