Ok and hidden strings cipher says it works when u deal combat damage does that mean u just have to make at attack doesnt have to reduce life points? just kill a creature or damage it ? thats my last question! [=
and why not have Nivmagus Elemental on the list hes insane with heroics
I recieved a thassa on a booster today :D u really think her utility is worth the 3 drops? so 1 thassa 3 aqua forms? cause a.form is amazing with ordeal ethernal armor and hidden strings where it allows u to deal combat damage and use chiper and if u were to make this a 55 card deck which cards would u take out? which are least important for it ?
Your build was my inspiration man i started playing magic 2 weeks ago and started of with the theros event deck.. my deck is now quite simillar to yours. you think gift of orzhovya's is a fit for this deck? if so can u explain? cause aqueous form gives u for 1 blue drop unblock and scry isnt it better to have 4 of those instead? Because I beleive the main point here is to explode with 3 spells each 1 drop on a heroic(pref fabled hero) and deal 10+ dmg putting enemies in shock... its also a better tactic against control decks for quick strong bursts of damage they cant counter when u put gods willing. and one last thing why soldier of the pantheon?