
5 Decks, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

Thank you SharpRaptor your compliments are well received.

Definitely a tournament deck build. I have always enjoyed a good burn deck due to its ease of play and would like to get mine toned up for a legacy tournament rather than just casual play with friends. I currently do not have all of the fetchlands yet in mine, but after reviewing their synergy with lavamancer and burn in general I included them in this build.
I will definitely consider Pillar of Flame for the sideboard. I guess I would have to know for sure what creatures I'm going to run into before I sub a 2 damage spell in place of a 3 :(

The only thing I have been considering is Ball Lightning. It was very rewarding in my games against friends to hit them for 6 and then finish them off with a fireblast. 6 damage on one card is very alluring to a red player....

Posted 07 September 2013 at 00:34 in reply to #395121 on Kill It With Fire
