It's done. I called it ''Counting Life Counting Gains''.
I'll make a mock up deck for you. Using these cards and what you already have here. Since I'm making it quickly just take it as a suggestion. Should be done in 20 min max.
OK how about using those 2 cards as your win conditions? Azban Battle Priest & Felidar Souveraign.You could run Ajani, Mentor of Heroes as well. Is that a strategy you would like to use?
I know who he is. Not worth it. Their is a white outlast who gives life links as well. They simply aren't useful to gain momentum. It sounds good but in practice when I draw them I always find myself thinking ''man I wish it was the first strike/flying/death touch dude instead''. With this deck once you get rolling the enemy while crumble. Blockers barely slow you down. Not much can slow the charge of a first Strike Death Touch Flying series of creatures.
Depends on what your goals are. So what are you aiming for? Life gain it itself doesn't win game. It only slows down the lost. So what is the win condition your aiming for?
Why limit yourself to CMC of 1? You might want to get some Outlast in there. The ones that serves as enchantements for creatures with +1/+1 counters.
Way to many cards. In every card game there is a principle: use the minimum amount of cards. It's the best.
Any slot that I could free for Ajani Steadfast would be better spend on Ajani Goldmane. Most of my creatures have first strike and or vigilance perma. Chronomaton is too slow. Unlike my outlast he doesn't serves as an enchantement as well.As for Managorger Hydra... what a beauty.
Sadly I don't know a lot about dragon. You might want to check out the mega morph dragons from the Khans. They might serve as a good alternate strategy or side deck. I don't have anything else to propose.Remove Skithiryx. You should never EVER splash infect. Infect is something you should either go all-in or all-out. Their is no inbetween.
Just to be clear, you are aware that those Planeswalkers are not dragons, right?You might want to change your tags. ''Ugin'' + ''Bolas'' would attract more attention as tags than ''Ugin & Bolas''.I wouldn't say that they are ''better'' cards for modern. Remember that ''objectively better'' doesn't matter. What matters is ''better for this deck''. You have enough dragon to abuse dragon related spells and abusing the dragon spells is a reason in of itself to play a lot of dragons.
I find that Ally in abzan colors work better as +1+1 stackers. Maybe check out my Outlast Till the Dragon Come for example.You might want to borrow some of the tricks from that deck to capitalise on Drana, Liberator of Malakir. Serioulsy fuck Expedition Envoy. Hada Freeblade is thousand times better.
Thank You. Will be edited. Soon.
I can. It's not white. It's white and/or red. Commander rules state you cannot generate mana of colors that aren't on your commander. Not that you can only play cards with only those colors.The first statement results in the second. At least that's how it was explained to me. If I am wrong pls provide link with ruling or rules.
I just removed Archive trap entirely. I'm not a big fan of keeping a single too fake the quadra.
Thanks for the tip. Shriekhorn was originaly dissmiss as being to slow since I was running Vision of Beyond but that was removed after play testing. Echoing Truth sounds very good but I'm not sure were it can fit in this deck. I taught of maybe 2 amoeboid changeling since they are only procs and have the same mana cost. Or maybe removing some or all Archive trap (keeping them for side deck). Do you have another suggestion?
Dude play rochie. You can't play Blue and level ups and not play Rochie.
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