Looked at your deck, it's pretty awesome, just soooo expensive O_O. Haha, you'll probably win by your opponent ragequitting more than actually beating them down but hey, a win is a win. But I'll definitely add in those ramp/card choice ideas, thanks :)
I like the deck! You don't need a 'goyf to win :P but anyways, I think a good combination with loam and burning vengeance would be creeping renaissance: it allows you to bring back all permanents of the same type back to your hand and it has flashback. So it'd be like adding copies 4-7 (if you wanted) of life from the loam and as a little bonus, it would help activate the burning vengeance. Another suggestion, if you're willing to mess with/tinker with the land base you've built, would be to add Knight of the Reliquary: I know it would wreck your mana base but essentially provides another huge beater that 1) can beef itself and countryside crusher up and 2) our mana base by dumping land to find the land you need. Otherwise, I love the card choices and deck-building decisions you've made here, definitely like it overall! If you could please give me some pointers/thoughts on my Seismic Nauseam deck, that'd be awesome. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=312714
So wiping the board of creatures and then beating face with lands? Cool deck. Just a couple of suggestions: with the mana base, you might consider more forests because 1) your deck depends on having lands out and it'd be better probability wise to have around 24-ish so you can ensure having a land out to equip your stuff to and 2) your deck is green-heavy so the addition of more forests would help ensure you have the right colors so you can ramp easier. A couple of card choice suggestions: Crucible of Worlds (which would make sure you have an endless army of lands), Life from the Loam (same reason as crucible), and Creeping Renaissance (it returns all permanents of the same type to your hand, which could accomplish the same effect as the above cards). But overall, really like the deck idea. Hope this helps! If you could check out my deck and give some constructive criticism of sorts, that'd be great. : http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=311764
This is a combination of a Doran-style deck with the utility provided through Glittering Wish. Trying to fit it into modern format. Any and all comments/constructive criticisms are welcome. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=311764