
45 Decks, 171 Comments, 20 Reputation

Why only one island?!

Posted 10 August 2012 at 03:36 as a comment on U/W Mill


I'm liking the solid deck, I'm thinking maybe you may want to main board the Sorin, but that's something that is personal choice, I see Sorin making the lifelink token and I tend to swing with it and get a crap ton of life. Just my two cents

If you wanna check out my deck:

Posted 10 August 2012 at 03:32 as a comment on m13 sublime tokens


This is a pretty sick deck, I'm liking how you take advantage of dryad and talrand!

Posted 09 August 2012 at 19:17 as a comment on M13 Miracle Gro


Depending on your play style you might like my deck! I would love to hear your suggestions

Posted 09 August 2012 at 18:19 as a comment on Post Your Deck HERE :)


I like it, have you thought about yeva or increasing savagery?

Posted 09 August 2012 at 18:12 as a comment on dungrove


So pretty good deck overall, but looking at the mono red creatures in there, i see it hurting the nocturnus strategy, and yeah as raginggoblin said you do have 5 captains...anyways, I recommend some older vampires, even if you keep standard, these cards will still be standard until RtR: Bloodrage Vampire, Child of Night, a bit iffy but Bloodlord of Vaasgoth. I would say run a playset of child of night and bloodrage vampire, and another card possibly, vampire outcasts. multicolored cards can be identified as either and thus they will be good as it wont bother the issue with nocturnus. so drop 6 mountains and run 6 more swamps. that way it will be less of a chance of hitting a mountain once nocturnus is out.

Posted 09 August 2012 at 18:10 as a comment on Vampire Beatdown


also, im going to have to fix this deck up for rotation once rtr gets closer

Posted 07 August 2012 at 14:40 as a comment on Sorin Exalted


yeah haha they are placeholders actually right now because I only have one sublime, I'll hopefully be picking more up soon. and what do you recommend I take out put in the o ring and murder?

Posted 07 August 2012 at 14:39 in reply to #279001 on Sorin Exalted


Yeah the nefarox are place holders and I'm using sun titan because late game if I still havent won, he can come in and bring some exalted guys with him or an ajani back. Also, hero of bladehold works with exalted, best part is she still drops her two tokens. I checked the ruling otherwise she wouldnt be in here. and I plan on removing gideon and elspeth as well to add some either sublimes or removal right now. ive tested duty bound and found him not coming to me in my opening hand and in a time where i needed to clutch i drew him. also sorin's emblem helps to give my guys the extra point of damage and he also creates blockers plus sublime tokens if needed. thanks for the help! do you have any suggestions on what sorts of removal i should run? i havent set up a sideboard yet because I didn't know what to put there. (I haven't done FNM and would like to try to get into more competitive scenes)

Posted 05 August 2012 at 03:46 in reply to #278378 on Sorin Exalted


Yeah I'm waiting to pick up the sublimes as right now I 'm a little short on cash, but I've seen Sorin and Ajani do work, I'm probably going to drop Elspeth and Gideon to put in two more Sublimes. And same thing on the dual lands. Thanks for the help!

Posted 05 August 2012 at 03:40 in reply to #278283 on Sorin Exalted


Interesting, that seems like it would be cool, I was also thinking about terminus for a board wipe, what do you suggest I move out to put those three in?

Posted 05 August 2012 at 03:37 in reply to #278372 on The Holy War


Anybody have any suggestions for a sideboard? I was thinking of taking this or exalted to FNM.

Posted 03 August 2012 at 14:49 as a comment on Talrand Blue/White Soldier Control


some other lands you might like, bog wreckage, bojuka bog, barren moor. and if you like cathedral why not run nefarox? and i would say a liliana vess for tutor. just my two cents worth

If you'd like you can look at my edh, granted it is three color, but take any suggestions from there

Posted 03 August 2012 at 14:37 as a comment on Black Vampire EDH


true that haha I'll have to see where I could put it in.

Posted 03 August 2012 at 14:35 in reply to #278209 on Talrand Blue/White Soldier Control


Maybe think about running ranger's path to get the two forests out for two more mana. It costs more but maybe trade 1 rampant growth and a garruk's companion for 2 of ranger's path. then again most of your cards are meant for quick speed. Primordial hydra takes a while to build up but it is a great addition

Posted 03 August 2012 at 14:04 as a comment on Everyone's Doing It (Standard mono-G)


After looking at your deck, I see the benefit of parallel lives and the evil combo with endless ranks of the dead haha so I was wondering how would you splash the green into here? any suggestions?

Posted 03 August 2012 at 13:50 in reply to #278209 on Talrand Blue/White Soldier Control


I really like the way you are running the zombie spawns, I've seen blue black for zombies, but I've gotta say this is the best so far that I have seen! Also, you saw my blue white tokens, how would you suggest splashing green for parallel lives?

Posted 03 August 2012 at 13:49 as a comment on Zombie Factory


thanks man yeah I like what's offered by them!

Posted 03 August 2012 at 13:09 in reply to #278120 on Talrand Blue/White Soldier Control


In terms of planes walkers, some others I might suggest would be Ajani, Caller of Pride and Sorin, Lord of Innistrad. The newer Elspeth and current Gideon aren't bad either. And something else I found out while running this deck is that if you attack with kaalia only you get exalted bonuses as well as the creature that you play out of your hand. So I recommend Sublime Archangel as well as angelic benediction to help cover Kaalia from potential blockers.

Posted 03 August 2012 at 13:04 as a comment on Kaalia EDH Card Ideas


well first thing is we need cards... :D I'd suggest a child of alara for removal as your general. and then tutors is probably the next big thing to try to get the pw you want, for example turn 3 you will want a jace or liliana of the veil out. land ramp so multicolored lands, fetch lands, all the stuff that will help you accelerate, the pw will be the focus of the deck, so I'm assuming you will want to run green and blue as your highest run colors to ensure that you are getting access to the land and draw power.

Posted 03 August 2012 at 12:53 as a comment on Planeswalker EDH!


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