derp. thanks!
Polluted Delta and Prairie Stream don't fit in your land base. you aren't running blue. Maybe more black sources. Otherwise seems like it should work
Splashing red for butcher is a fine idea really. and thats fine on the rhinos. they are a strong card but migth not fit the theme here. Bloodsoaked might work but im not positive if you have the slots for it. is 21 lands enough? or are you running short on lands when playtesting?
probably three. its a good sac engine for you, lets you get to more creatures too
Seems a lot better. I think the only issue now is you are low on sac outlets. maybe more evolutionary leaps?
This seems more like abzan sacrifice than abzan rally?abzan ascendancy seems really good here. Also siege rhino - no reason to leave that out
I agree with this. gotta go more landfall centric if you want to do landfall. outpost siege, hangerback walker, firemantle mage, become immense, wild slash, tasigur, monastery swiftspear all should go. murderous cut and kolaghans command seem ok to put in.. probably an omnath, locus of rage, nissa vastwood seer, maybe sword of the animist and explosive vegetation
wanderer can come in as a 6/6 turn 3 or 4, is why I like itgreenwarden is really good recursion. drana could be removed/sideboarded but for what removal? kolaghans command?
playset if thoughseize brings up the price
I was thinking about felhide. but i feel like that makes the deck more control than agro beatdown because it slows the tempo of the deck
additions - kuldotha phoenix, 8 mountains take out - 3X melt terrain, hoarding dragon, fire servant, memnite, piston sledge, and maybe armillary spheres if u add the land