DAMN! i was doing good for a while there... guess next time ill find a cool net deck and post that...then ill get a million +1s!!!
YES! thanks man i didnt realize that about those lands. tarmofgoyf is a little much for me to spend considering this deck is extended and i play mostly standard but it would be great i agree.
all im saying is give the guy some credit. yes there are several versions of this deck. this just happens to be down to the number of every card and everything the same as lsv's deck...
I guess I'm just an ass. I just like seeing original decks, not an exact copy of LSV's pro tour deck.
very cool deck my man. +1
im not going to say i never gave a -1 to somebody cuz i have, but not unless its shitty deck or a net deck somebody stole from the pro tour. this deck deserves to be at the top of the list i wish i could give it more +1s. dknight27 is always good for coming up with sick shit that most people never even think of and making kick ass decks with cards otherwise considered worthless. sorry abou the haters man.
im pretty sure this is luis scott-vargas's deck...yeah look...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPmDUYqS0m8
dude............honestly........just...........wow...........+1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000......its just too funny for words...
grave pact was in my original build, but it was a little harder to cast and savra allows me to gain life from the green saprolings. genisis chamber is a bit faster yes, but they are not green so no life gain there.
as if it would be necessary...imagine rite of replication...lol...screw it clone too!!! mycoloth makes 666,666,666,666,666,666,000 babies a turn and then drop coat of arms.........too much math...
dude i was allllllllll about the elves when combo elves were legal. it was so fun. can you imagine nissa revane in a format with better elves? i would toss her in there if i were you just for her second +1 if nothing else, which would actually be better than a luminesant drain cuz you can do it every turn if you want. doing that after a sick elvish promenade would be devistating. cool concept. i would try to slim it down to 60 cards if i were you i bet it would run better. i agree with nukifyed ^^^ about cutting shit down. and if you have them use some twilight mire and or verdant catacombs, the first not being too expensive now. and i cant think of what its called but the green black land from ravnica. and dont forget about llanowar dead. ok i think i said enough but there really is so many ways to make this cool concept even better. if you get a chance check out and rate my black green deck. thanks! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=32041
another very cool deck. land has become cooler than ever thanks to zendikar and combined with some of the old cards it is just sick. +1. if you can please check out my land combo deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=32041
I at first was looking at this deck and thinking this will all be fine and awesome as long as you have at least 1 more life than the opponent but a bit risky, the gladehart makes it all better though for sure. very cool deck. fast bond is just insane. +1
nicely done. i really like the nourishing shoal. that could be amazing. basically a consume spirit that would work so much better considering black mana does not have to be spent to play it and with sanguine bond it is just that. +1
in my original build i had sanguine bond in it while sacing green creatures gaining 2 life each time and land drops from the gladehart. there are so many ways to abuse this idea. i love ob nixilis the fallen so much though and put most of my focus on him and profane command.
golgari germination!!! nuff said.
lol why the -1 its not even a deck.
i like the concept but i would lose form of the dragon IMO it is just a dead high casting card in this deck, the vampiric link and loxodon warhammer just dont seem worth it to me considering you only have a total of 8 creatures, one of which can only be out 1 at a time. i would maybe even cut back on 1 or 2 of the sanguine bond and throw in a couple blood tribute and some creature removal, lightning bolt and other burn.
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