I can guess the main problem you're going to have, Planeswalker Control... First things first, take out the Doom Blades....really bad in your deck and most decks you see are going to be involving black, or have a lack of creatures, although the Doom Blades should stay in the sideboard. You already know about your need for Maelstrom Pulse so I'm going to ignore that.... Jund Hackblade should be taken out....Although fast, it's easy to remove and you lack the multicolor cards to make good use of his haste. I would use the Sprouting Thrynax instead. 3/3 Beater that will replace itself when killed...not bad. It will also stand up to some nasty removal, as an added bonus, Sarkhan will turn him into a 5/5 flyer AND give you three chump blockers. Not quite sure if you want to, but adding in Goblin Guide will make your deck faster, and Staggershock can be suppriseingly fast against some decks, and it can pick off a pesky blocker (such as a Wall of Omen's after it blocked anything with 2 power or more) and it will throw some counters off a planeswalker, or poke a player for 2. All around a good card. You need a sideboard (obviously): 3 Doom Blade, 3 Consume the Meek, 2 Vine of Vastwood (for targeted removal on a mana accelerator, or pump should you need it), 2 Terminate, 3 Nature's Claim, 2 Bituminous Blast. Thats all the help I can give you. @Grapplehanger....Look man, you think THIS is expensive? Try looking at the new Super Friends...3 Jace the Mind Sculptor, 3 Gideon Jura, a few Elspeth....Now THAT'S a money sink imho
I personally like the deck idea. It should work well against all creature based decks. I would take out 1 Mobilization, 3 Honor of the Pure and all the Promise of Bunrei and add in 4 Idyllic Tutor and 4 Godhead of Awe. The Tutors will help you find the Humilities and the Godhead's are essentially a second playset of Humility on a 4/4 flying body. The deck looks amuseing, nice work.
I'd take out the White Knights and one of the Kor Firewalkers for 3 Rangers. Also keep in mind that you have 12 search lands to find only 11 basic lands...
A few changes that I would make; take out the Regenerates and Bountiful Harvests for Llanowar Elves or Arbor Elfs and take out the Khalni Gardens for Forests because you don't like lands comeing into play tapped and the 0/1's don't help much.
The way the Realm Razer works is that in response to the first ability going on the stack i kill my own Realm Razer. The second ability will go on the stack BEFORE the first one, doing nothing. Then the second one goes off and rfg's all the lands. With no Realm Razer on the field they will stay exiled. You can check oracle ruling if you want:http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=179422
I'd try to fit in a few more artifact lands.
Commandeer + Rune Snag won't work. Rune Snag needs to be in the graveyard not removed from the game.
2 things. One is that the sideboard can only be 15 cards, take one out, doesnt really matter which one but I would say the mark of mutiny's are the best thing to take out. Also, trust me on this, maindeck the howling mines. I have played almost the exact same thing and it has one problem, it stalls. With the mines you wont stall, or at least its harder to stall. Also a few cards to consider in your deck are; Quest for Pure Flame - this spell will double the damage you deal for a turn, sorta like pyromancers ascension but easier to get off. Hellspark Elemental - Its good fast damage that can come back later. Ball Lightning - Really fast big damage. Also I wouldn't run the Resounding Thunders...3 for 3 damage isnt that good. Lastly I would consider putting in manabarbs for the sideboard against things like turbofog.
I would take out one Sigil Captain and all of the Dauntless Escort and add in some mana acceleration. I would use 2 Rampant Growth and 2 Knight of the Reliquary. Also in the sideboard I would take out the Dauntless Escort and the Oblivion Ring and put in two Manabarbs. They work well against control decks. Other than that it looks good.
Not bad. I would remove the Viashinno Slaughtermaster, as it is right now its two for a 1/1 double strick which seems pretty useless to me, expecially with the lack of "pump" spells. I like the idea of the Titanic Ultimatum but it seems like a lot of mana to pay in a deck that only has 21 mana sources. Also the Sigil Captain wont work on either of the cats. My take on the deck is: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=46347
Also keep in mind that the deck runs 8 cantrips (4 spreading seas, 2 ponder and 2 treasure hunt, aslo I have 4 Halimar Depths for deck manipulation). I figure that with all that extra draw I should be able to get a few extra lands. Although I like the more land idea I can't think of what to take out, also with the more land the treasure hunts will do better. As far as kill conditions go I have no idea what to use. If you have any sugestions I'd like to hear them.
Alright, I'll give that a try.
You have a few black cards in there with no black mana. I know the point is to get off the temple but you could have the swamps there just in case it fails. Out: 6 Island IN: 6 Swamp Other than that it looks good, I may try this as well. As far as sideboards go I would use: 3 Mindbreak Trap (for cascade) 4 Dispell (for Burn/counters) 3 Relic of Progenitus (for standard dredge) 3 Convincing Mirage (for more pain to 3+ color decks) 2 Pithing Needle (Always helpful against combo decks)