care to explain how this works exactly seems to me like you very easily can lose
im thinking about taking out the Giant Solufuges and adding more spark elementals or hellspark elementals because his shroud ability is kind of frustrating because i cant buff him. and he cost a lot of mana for a burn deck
if your looking for cheap counterspells you might think about putting in mana leak???
+ love the deck idea really well done and doesnt look too expensive
i like that shivan wurm a lot just an issue of mana i was thinking about adding ruby medallion or emerald medallion to this deck but i really want speed and wonder if i might be wasting too much mana on the artifacts
also i like the combo that i could have with horned kavus but they havent worked out great yet still have to play with them some more now that i have some smaller creatures that i might use them for.
im trying to get some smaller creatures with haste and trample out early to speed up the came i might get ball lightning and groundbreaker but with the multi colored deck by the time i could play them i usually would have a blitz on the field. Although they would make a nice combo with bloodbraid elf. Also thinking of getting rid of vines of vastwood and just adding another giant growth. Let me know what you all think!
thanks for the ideas i already have an elf deck as well as this so i think i want to stay away from elves unless they have haste or trample. The flame javelin costs too much for the way im trying to make this deck and the giantbaithing i couldnt conspire because not mant of my creatures stay on the field very long. I have the lightning bolts love them and i do agree i need more bloodbraid elf but she costs a lot. Thanks for commenting.
ya i want another hells thunder i might get one as for the hammer im not a huge fan because its one extra mana compared to lightning bolt and does the same thing PLUS its a sorcery and that makes cringe because im a huge fan of the instant burns more because of how many more options they give you thanks for the comment!
im thinking about adding more hellspark elementals and spark elementals to speed it up what do you think???
ya i understand what your saying with the walls ill try to find something to replace them with. james why kalonian behemoth looks like a good card but i dont see how he would fit in my deck. This deck is about speed and trample/haste, its nice that he is a 9/9 with shroud but anybody with a 1/1 can block him and not care at all. I want creatures that when you block them they still hurt you and fast. i know its not a 1-2 turn deck but if i keep working on it i should definitely be finishing by 4 or 5. thanks look forward to hearing from all of you keep the comments coming
i love this idea my friend and i were talking and i really wanted to make a deck with elephants nice job wish there were more elephants out there though
hey hippno i like this i have an elf deck that im trying to work on ill throw it up here hopefully this weekend for any suggestions you might have
nice deck +1 for you
awesome deck i really like the idea of how fast it is take a look at my burn deck
thanks a lot i definitely see what your saying about manamorpose i like the idea of ball lightning and groundbreaker being in here but im concerned with their toughness being so low that they will be too easily killed. thanks for the comments
i feel like this deck isnt that fast and your mixing some ideas that i dont really think will work that great. you dont have enough small fast creatures to do very much damage in the beginning and im not a huge fan of devours because they are so easy to get rid of. i see where you are going because i started off with a deck like this but it didnt work with me because i wanted to go fast but i wanted to devour and i wanted enough mana for big creatures and it was just too much. here is what i changed my deck into take a look if you get a chance
this is so cool i want one now check out my deck!!!
ya i agree the only reason im here is because i want some advice and learn more about the game please take a look at my deck and no thumbs down :P
i like it check out mine
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