It's an EDH colorless deck. Hence the 1 of's. As for Nevinyrral's Disk, I don't have one, but can get one fairly easily amongst my group of friends. Thanks for the suggestion
I was contemplating some Breeding Pools. I sadly only have 1 right now, and I'm trying to work within a $20 ish budget to make this deck. Right now I only need a few of the cards, but if I'm to buy them it cuts into my minimalistic budget.Blight Mamba and Signal Pest would go in the sideboard I feel, because this is supposed to be a turn 3 win. But I will gratefully take them into consideration.
I actually can't find my Blood Artists. But Sol Ring I'm grabbing this weekend.And, yes, it did help. Thanks
I luckily just found both of those cards so I shall be adding/switching. Thanks
Need some more cards before it's complete. Any suggestions?
Yeah, and I would run Exquisite Blood while you can :-)
Did you think about adding Sanguine Bond to this?
Thanks for the heads up. It was more for the Wurmcoil and the Avatars. Praetors are OP enough, i don't think I need two lol. It's also more for Two Headed Giant gameplay, since I don't think it's fast enough to play 1v1
41-48 of 48 items