I love this deck and the first thing I would add if i were to go out of the budget range would be minamo, school at water's edge because it would be insane in this deck. Otherwise though, this is awesome!!
Ok no atarka, but dragon fodder? its pretty quick allows for easier casting of stoke the flames and synergizes with rabblemaster. What more could you want?Let me know when that GW devotion deck is done I will want to chceck it out. EDIT: If you want no dragons because you want to kill them as fast as you can then why play ugin? Dragonlord atarka is cheaper, can kill them just by entering the battlefield, and is faster than ugin when it comes to winning the game.Also for the sideboard i would play destructive revelry instead of flamespeakers will
I really like this archetype in standard right now. I also really like your take on it. Here's mine if you want to take a look http://www.mtgvault.com/ceefu/decks/standard-bant-manifests/
Very nice. Once dragons is out would you consider dragon fodder and dragonlord atarka?
You seem to be missing something at the three drop spot. Oh yeah! Hordeling outburst! Replace one or two krenkos command with that just to spread your goblins because on turn three if you have three mama and no three drops a krenkos command isn't as good as a hordeling outburst. Just a thought
Yes please northy
I like to how you kept it budget at EXACTLY $25! That is awesome and the deck is super cool too. Great job with this one.
Tezzeret agent of bolas might work in this. Could be a little hard to cast but with the glimmervoid and drum I think it would work.
And you know I'm joking it's purty kool
still sucks dick m8btw you know its me cole right?
This sucks dick m8
Seems legit. Going in
Ohhhh yeah forgot about nyx weaver. Dunno about pharika though because its really only good in a more enchantment heavy constellation build. Trust me my friend plays it and I've seen it.
Yeah done. Also you can see my other commander decks I'm making one for every rtr block guild leader. If you could check those and let me know if any good cards that I missed that would be awesome. Thanks
Right forgot about that. Going in
Yes I have found that the only really good place for gut shot is in a deck with young pyromancer, monestary swiftspear, and even kiln fiend where you are getting essentially a free spell that gives you other effects. In this however, trading 2 life for 1 point of damage really isnt that great. Also btw does anyone know if when you are at 0 and you have unlife, do phyrexian symbols give you two poison counters or is it paying life so you dont get counters?
An interesting way to go about it is if your opponent is playing a really non-aggressive build, than you can essentially play 4 phyrexian unlife and essentially kill yourself to the point where your opponent is being forced to play an aggressive infect strategy when they really arent set up for that kind of game. Of course this is a more game two sideboard sort of strategy but you could throw 2 more of the unlife in sb with a couple gitaxian probes or mutagenic growth and make it super aggro.
I like it better with cloudform because than his downside doesnt exist anymore.
my bad, 2 points but still not a big deal
Yea I got it for prerelease too so I'll throw it in. Thanks for the suggestion
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