
8 Decks, 30 Comments, 1 Reputation

I would rather buy a car, or put a down payment on a house. You could make a sick turn 1 win deck without any of the power 9. In fact, I'm gonna try one myself =).

Posted 01 November 2010 at 10:32 as a comment on the best artifact deck eva!!!


Also, aren't flings kind of counter-active for kiln fiends and spitfires? I'd say take out the flings and 1 staggershock for the assault strobes. Nevermind the smoldering spires though, they'd just slow the deck down i think.

Posted 01 November 2010 at 08:43 as a comment on $26 Standard Burn


Yeah, MAYBE add one or two, but not four. I wouldn't even know what to take out for them, anyway. Also, Assault Strobe for your kiln fiends/spitfires, and maybe Smoldering Spires too, b/c if you add in assault strobes, that's less burn, so you might need to make one creature not block.

Turn 1, mountain, bolt - 3 dmg
turn 2, kiln fiend
turn 3, bolt a blocker, burst lightning another, assault strobe your kiln fiend, swing for 20 dmg :D

That strategy will die to another red deck when your 10/2 double strike kiln fiend gets bolted. A control deck MIGHT be able to counter the assault strobe, but if not you got em.

Posted 01 November 2010 at 08:40 as a comment on $26 Standard Burn


So . . . you're only running blue for the negates and creeping tar pits? If the tar pits are worth it, then sure keep blue in there, but if you don't use them much, I'd say take out blue and instead of negates, use either duress or mire's toll, as it will do basically the same thing. I love to see a good lich deck, and this one looks like it's on it's way.

Posted 26 October 2010 at 07:38 as a comment on Lich Domination


I think green is unnecessary in this deck. All you've got going for you is fauna shaman and birds, where you could have maybe something with scry to set up a tome scour or something, draw, counterspells, oh also, soliton untaps for a blue mana, something to look into. Good deck all around though, you don't even have to cast the big guys in order for them to work, just have an ooze out, spam the opponent with mill (or yourself, if you want a big ability) and it's all good =). Been wanting to make a deck like this as soon as I saw necrotic ooze spoiled.

Posted 20 October 2010 at 14:08 as a comment on Activated Incorporated


And now there's SEVENTEEN lands!

Posted 19 August 2010 at 17:56 in reply to #81596 on Khalni Aggro v3.1


Well, I guess I just thought if I had 12-14 creatures that produce mana, 8 of them costing G, and 4 creatures that search for a land, I wouldn't need excess lands. So lol at you, my friend, when you need a counterspell and draw an island, I'll need an overwhelming stampede, and draw it.

Primeval titan OUT! I'm gonna switch up the land base and a couple creatures as well. I would put in another Garruk if I had one, I'll probably pick one up sometime soon.

Thanks for the comments so far guys, let me know what u think of 3.1!

Posted 19 August 2010 at 17:49 as a comment on Khalni Aggro v3.1


I'm thinking Primeval Titan has no place in this deck. If someone can help support this idea, I'll probably sell the thing, lol.

Posted 17 August 2010 at 10:09 as a comment on Khalni Aggro v3.1


btw here's my deck as it is, eldrazi-less. Please comment if you have the time.


Posted 17 August 2010 at 09:54 as a comment on Standard Elves with some Eldrazi


Wow, it seems like the Oracle/Cobra combo would really help get the eldrazi out. Have you thought about adding everflowing chalice? Even having one would help, as you could pay like 8 for it one time, then have to tap less elves to get an eldrazi out.

Question, how many turns before an eldrazi hits the board? Here's what I see:

turn 1 - forest -> llanowar elves
2 - forest -> elvish archdruid
3 - forest -> tap 2 forests for 2 joraga treespeakers, tap the archdruid to level them both
4- 12-13 mana - ulamog, kozilek, it that betrays, or artisan can drop, everything but Emrakul. NICE!

So probably 4th turn if you get the perfect hand. How often does that happen for you? I was thinking about having my deck include Spawnsires and It that Betrays with eldrazi in the sideboard. Just wondering how often you get that craziness to happen.

Posted 17 August 2010 at 09:53 as a comment on Standard Elves with some Eldrazi


Hmm, instead of cutting doubling season, add Nissa Revane. Imagine her ultimate going off, and having your entire deck on the table. Also, you could keep it all creatures, but add in some stuff to keep the tempo going, like elvish visionary and/or sylvan ranger, they're bodies that help you go through the deck, keeps things smooth. I didn't play during the morningtide/eventide sets, so to me elves just add mana, but i love to see a creature-based deck, and this looks pretty solid. I'm currently running a 31-creature elf deck in standard but it's COMPLETELY different. Check it out and comment if you have the time. --- http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=86390 ---

Overall, it looks solid, but seems like you would empty your hand really early, which could be bad in some matchups. And as iliketehturtles said, Taunting Elf. And since you're giving elves +1/+1 counters, he would be able to kill stuff while running interference for the rest of your elves. I actually give a +1 to all his suggestions, but I think seeing Doubling Season with Nissa Revane would be awesome, as you never really see her ultimate ability trigger.

Posted 17 August 2010 at 09:35 as a comment on Tru's Elf Deck (needs your help to improve)


Thanks for the comments guys, gonna try red/black with this, just didn't wanna use spells like blightning, as they're gonna cycle out soon.

Posted 17 August 2010 at 09:14 as a comment on Megrim standard - need help


Wow man, nice deck! I'm still stuck in the "elves just produce mana" mindset, so this blew me away. It looks like you'd have the game by like turn 5-6, but if it went longer than that. . . . god help us all, lol. Watch out, 14/14 trample elves coming through.

Posted 15 June 2010 at 09:17 as a comment on elf


The deck isn't updated. At least not on my screen. Still only 2 spinter twins. Looks good though. Get yourself a monument, you won't regret it!

Posted 15 June 2010 at 08:58 as a comment on Eldrazi Ramp (Looking for suggestions)


True, but it's almost as if you could copy their deck. Try putting Telemin Performance in the deck and proxy it. It looks fun.

Posted 15 June 2010 at 08:53 as a comment on Not Mine, Yours.


Honestly I don't think a standard megrim deck is viable. The fact that they reprinted it is almost a tease. As for acceleration, StorkMSU had some good ideas. The black kill-get eldrazi cards are great, and everflowing chalice is pretty good. Nirkana Revenant though . . . whoo.

Posted 15 June 2010 at 08:44 as a comment on Black/Red Discard Std


This is the problem with discard decks. I find that once i've made my opponent discard most of their hand (megrim or not, it's still effective), there's a lot of dead cards left in my hand. The quest for the nihil stone however makes that okay, since their hand will usually be empty. Looks solid, just not my kind of deck. I gave ya a 7.

Posted 14 June 2010 at 16:28 as a comment on Black/Red Discard Std


Nice idea man, how does it play? I can't tell if it looks like a solid deck or just a fun idea, i'd love to play against that thing, lol.

Posted 12 June 2010 at 15:39 as a comment on Not Mine, Yours.


You can only have one legendary card with the same name in play at a time. if 2 of those hit the board, whether you control both, or you and your opponent control one each, they both get destroyed. You are allowed to have up to 4 of any card in your deck, unless a certain card is restricted.

Posted 06 June 2010 at 10:31 as a comment on Dragons


Alright, I looked at it.

I think Buried Alive would be awesome in that deck. A few of your cards return stuff from the graveyard to play, how bout you go look through your deck and put a few choices in the graveyard first?

That's really my only suggestion, how does it play? It looks like a lot of fun.

If you get a minute, check out a deck I'm working on, I could use some help.

Posted 04 June 2010 at 21:38 as a comment on Dragons


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