This is my first Magic Deck I've ever created and is my favorite personal deck. My friends sold me a mono-green deck to get me into the game, and as they upgraded their decks, I had to do the same with mine. Noticing that I liked attacking with powerful creatures, but my life tended to be an issue in the mid and late game, I looked to incorporate lifelink into the deck, and I found that several white cards could add that power to the deck, and more. This is the current iteration of the deck, cut down to a healthy 65 cards.
It has a healthy defense against Blue, a color which I consider Green's greatest enemy (I'm looking at you Aetherize), but is vulnerable to Sacrifice, Exile, and Kicks. There are some counter-decking options I have listed and variations I have with it, but everything is listed and discussed in the How to Play.
This deck is Modern legal, but not Standard. Not sure where I'm losing Standard legality, but this isn't meant to be a championship level competitive deck.
Here's a card breakdown of the deck:
Avacyn: it's Avacyn. Fantastic for a deck that aims to overwhelm the enemy with Creature power. Her in combination with Day of Judgment is a game finisher with a loaded field, and her with Guardian of the Gateless is an impenetrable defense.
True Conviction: this is the card that defined the deck. It makes it hit twice as hard, and heals you for it. It's beautiful. Play it ASAP, unless your opponent has readily available destruction power; then wait for Avacyn to be on the field to play it. I'd swap this out for Akroma's Memorial against a red, black, or red-black deck.
Primordial Hydra: This is my late game god. I tend to save it against any deck that has red until I can play it with more than 3 counters because of lightning. Avacyn does a great job of protecting it (usually) and True Conviction makes this thing a almost unbeatable.
Angelic Skirmisher: Her field effect is why she's in here; she gave me everything I wanted for my deck. Steroid her up with Wolfir or Rancor if possible, and if you have True Conviction on the field, then use nothing but her Vigiliance. That's probably the best offense combo in the deck.
Wolfir Silverheart: This guy is what carries the deck. He makes my mid-game look like a late game, and can make my early game creatures (Recluse and Abolisher) a threat in the mid-game. Soul-Bond him to another Wolfir if you want a hilarious two 12/12 beat sticks.
Grand Abolisher and Silence: these cards are my answer for a blue deck. Grand Abolisher or Silence during my turn basically negates an aetherize or counterspell. I also like to use Silence as a stall move: during my opponents turn, I wait for them to tap land, and then I play Silence; it prevents them from using the mana for a spell, and it also leaves them with reduced mana during my turn. I don't know if you can play it at that exact juncture, so please correct me if that is not the case. Regardless, I do know that a silence at the start of your opponents upkeep will give you that one turn stall for you to get ahead.
Path to Exile and Naturalize: PtE is there to counter creatures I can't deal with by attacking. It's my one means of exile in the deck. However, if my opponent relies on an enchantment or an artifact I have trouble with, I'll swap in my naturalizes instead.
Rancor and Bear Umbra: both of these are good enchantments, but I run only one or the other in a set of 2. Rancor has great persistence throughout the game, while Bear umbra's mana untap helps accelerate the deck in the mid game. However, Bear Umbra does have the risk of only getting one use, whereas Rancor never goes away. It's up to you really; I go back and forth.
Ajani cards: currently I got Caller Of The Pride in the deck, but I'm probably going to swap in Ajani Goldmane after I realized his -1 gives a permanent +1/+1 counter on all of my creatures, his +1 is good for some sustain, and his -6 scales hilarious into the late game when the deck get's to fight with True Conviction or Angelic Skirmisher's lifelink. Pick whichever you prefer.
Recluse and Guardian of the Gateless: these are the two creatures I resign to permanent blocking duty. Recluse's deathtouch and reach make him hard to handle in the early game, while Guardian of the Gateless with either an Avacyn, True Conviction, or Angeleic Skirmisher make it a wall that my opponents have trouble punching through.
Odric: He's there for some mid-offense. Buffing him with Ajanis, Rancor's or Wolfir is something I will always look to do, since his first strike and ability make him dangerous. If you can use his ability, just make it so your opponent doesn't block with anything if you can kill them with everything.
Blind Obediance: this enchantment helps to make up for a lack of early-game creature presence. I just recently put this in actually, but it's done well. The extort is a nice touch.
Cultivates: this is my mana ramp strategy. I've debated taking these out with a land or two to make the deck a 60 card deck, but I keep them in for two reason: first, is that it accelerates my land gain by one turn, and second, is that it takes two lands out of my deck, meaning I have an improved chance of drawing a non-land card. These are good, but optional.
Day of Judgment: I've thought about running only one of these, but I've decided to stick with running two to have versatility. What do I mean? Well I use Day of Judgment in two ways: either as a mid-game comeback card if I'm behind, or as a late game "like it or not, I'm making you drop that soap" card when Avacyn is on my field. That late-game Avacyn combo is why I've doubled up on Avacyns, and why I've decided to double up on Day of Judgment. Plus, this card won't interfere with any enchantments you throw on the field!
Garruk Primal Hunter: This is the one iteration of Garruk I like with this deck, although Wildspeaker's +1 is also tempting to have. I tend to use Garruk as a draw engine: with Wolfir's in the deck, it is very likely that I can just draw 8 cards if I'm out of a hand. That's scary. However, if I have a huge Primordial Hydra on the field (like 10/10 or more) or if I think I can protect him, I'll go for his -6. His tokens are also good for some offense or defense. Basically, If I need cards, I will just immediately sack him for cards. If I can protect him, I'll build up his token army, and either then try to draw cards, or get an army of 6/6 wurms.
The land: I choose grarypelt refuge as my split land because of the life it gives (and I'm too cheap to get a set of Temple Garden's [although I may go shop for those if I find them cheap]). Selesnya Sanctuary is just fabulous. I run a 50/50 split in my basic lands just because I consider that healthy to have. I may chip at a forest or two and replace them with plains since most of the cards use white, but I'm fine keeping it here.