I have a buddy that built a sliver deck around might sliver on a prototype portal, paired it with parallel lives. Slivers were swinging for like four hundred trample each...can we say ouch
It is, I might not always win..but I'm gonna make people mad.
I like it you ever take it to a type one tourney.
Oh yeah I can make room, and definately for the dark rituals tho restricted in vintage n legacy.
Riddlekeeper, is a great card. Mill plus control. N I forgot him.
Not bad man, I would suggest a few arrest or pacifisms to slow ur opponent down, and u may want to research shrine of loyal legions. It would.combo greatly with good ol champion.
Ok dude luv ur creature choices...tho i have two concerns and that deck speed and any creature control deck would give u headaches such as my white lock up.
Now its finished..haha this will be fun..for me.
Dude really not bad but I can see u getting mana boned. I think worn Powerstone would be a good fit its an artifact and it taps for two colorless so it gives flexibility with unwinding clock.
Tuff looking deck I don't know elves. Looks rock solid.
Oh I can't wait for the new ravnica that means the return of the great instants or sorcery cards.
Only problem I saw was I wasn't drawing much mana. So I had to fix that.
Yeah the demonic tutor is better I found four of them for sixteen dollars on eBay. So id pay for that kind speed in this deck.
Thanks for the tips man and I can't believe I forgot the tuto. And I forgot about painful quandary but made the changes and seems to have made it more consistent.
Agreed on that whole post, burn hurts infect. My white lock up deck could every creature this guy has down while I punish him with sum bad angels and make em wish they didn't play lock. This deck is nice but unbeatable it is not.
Not bad man, I luv control but what's ur kill condition in this deck.
I know people this deck would irk just because they can't beat you themselfs.
Thanks tho I believe I need late game finisher.
You should check out gather specimens.
That's nice man, many would call it pissy I call it fun.
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