Your Life is Mine

by CavScout1616 on 04 March 2014

Main Deck (60 cards)

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Deck Description

A white/black deck focused on gaining life while opponent loses life.

How to Play

Gain as much life as possible while eating away at opponents life using Sanguine Bond and Crypt Incursion. Creatures w/lifelink along with Mark of the Vampire attached to creatures that don't already have lifelink, help with this process.

Deck Tags

  • Life Gain
  • Life Drain
  • Lifelink
  • Vampire

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 1,165 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Your Life is Mine

I play tested your deck vs the vampire deck you commented on and though aggro maybe your worst match up your deck was overrun before you were able to get your life gain going, need to speed it up! A few suggestions

You need an early creature to at least block when facing an aggro match up Child of night is a two drop that has life link could work here

sengir vamp doesn't fit the flavor of this deck other then being a vampire maybe try agent of masks it is the same cost, human, but pings opponent each turn and gives you life as well. can also be great in multiplayer matches.

rain of tears also out of place I think ajani goldmain would be perfect in this spot plenty of life gain plus his ultimate would prob win you the game so nice win con option

I also like abuna's chant for the possibility of gain, prevent, or even better entwine don't know what you would remove for it

hope that helps nice deck with some tweeks

Posted 06 March 2014 at 15:49


Rain of Tears was my poor attempt at trying to compensate for the slow start to this deck. I was hoping for better cards to make up for my lack of defense early on, especially against aggro decks such as yours. I will check out these cards you mentioned. Your suggestions are always appreciated!

Posted 06 March 2014 at 16:37


I'd like to leave Sengir Vampire in for the fact that he has flying like the rest of my vamp creatures and with Mark of the Vampire I can make him have lifelink as well. Plus with all the +1/+1 counters I could potentially get on him, can make him a pretty formidable foe. Same goes for Bloodlord of Vaasgoth. I just need some lesser mana creatures or some mana ramp type cards to be able to bring my heavier creatures out quicker. At least until turn 2.

Posted 06 March 2014 at 17:02


I think I might just change this deck to just vampires instead of mixing it with white. I feel like it is throwing off the deck.

Posted 06 March 2014 at 17:18


Xerohero has deleted this comment.

Posted 06 March 2014 at 15:49


Xerohero has deleted this comment.

Posted 06 March 2014 at 15:51


Why no whip of erebos? You wanna gain life? Give all your creatures lifelink right?

Posted 03 April 2014 at 07:52


I am new to Magic so I did not know about Whip of Erebos. I will check that card out though. Thanks for the comment!

Posted 04 April 2014 at 02:04


By the way, Mark of the Vampire was my lifelink card for creatures that do not already have lifelink.

Posted 04 April 2014 at 02:08


The upside to mark of the vampire is the +2/+2...., although for the same mana cost you can give all your creatures lifelink with one card. Also with the whip you can return a creature from your graveyard and it gains haste until end of turn.

Also you may look into anowon the ruin sage ( I believe he's a 4/3 but at the beginning of each players upkeep they sacrifice a non vampire creature...... You won't have any non vampires). Also captivating vampire gives all other vampire creatures +1/+1 and you can tap five vamps to take control of target creature. lastly feast of blood ( I believe that's what it's called), 2 mana destroy target creature and gain 4 life. You have to have vampires to cast it which wouldn't be a problem for you.......

Ohhh yeah! And........ Bloodline keeper..... Tap him to drop a 2/2 flying vamp every turn. With the whip and sanguine bond? Killer.

Posted 04 April 2014 at 02:27


Feast of blood would be much better than pharikas cure in your deck.

All in all, being new to the game it's not a bad little tribal deck you built.

Posted 04 April 2014 at 02:30


Essence harvest or corrupt wouldn't be a bad fit either with sanguine blood.

Posted 03 April 2014 at 07:56


Sanguine bond*

Posted 03 April 2014 at 07:57
