This deck needs more money dropped into it.
Yea yea yea Remove Chandra and Annilating and put some molten farts in there
Get rid of Pyrewild and put Akroan Crusader or something else with Heroic for the madcap buff and maybe replace mugging for coordinated assualt
Consider Deathcult Rogue for Incursion
Love it! Great deck concept!
I agree sub gridlock and put in some counter spell
You think so I play tested with that guy a few times he became a bit expensive! maybe 2 in the deck?
Decreased the overall cost of the total deck but you are right they are great pseudo mana ramp!
Also do 8 Plains and 12 Swamp
You're a butt head!
- 4x Syndic+ 4x Basilica Guards- 4x High Priest+ 4x Doom Blade OR Dark Betrayal Alternate Both with sideboard.+ 2x Basillica+ 4x Read the BonesIf you can find a spot.
Poop deck, for a poop person
Artifact decks are always fucking ridiculous, good deck though!