This is the list with Doran: is nowhere near perfect like the monogreen version, I haven't tested either list enough to perfect them, I haven't played these Treefolk decks in the last couple months but they used to work pretty fine. Dungrove Elder is the real all-star in this deck tho
The Treefolk Harbinger just makes the mana curve so much better and gives us something to do turn 1 or 2 as there isn't really much and as far as the cards you mentioned, I don't include any of them because like I said before, the main curve is already pretty bad. Alternatively, Adding Black and White for Doran and a way better sideboard is probably a good idea. Always I've always wanted to fool around with Aether Vial, it seems like it would be fantastic in this deck.
Thanks for the feedback, maybe if I put in main board Thought seizes, I don't need blue in the deck
Thanks! Dark Confidant isn't as great in a deck with all these 3-4 drops and especially with Dig Through Time.I just thought of Darkblast because a lot of UR Splinter Twin decks run Forked Bolt in the main board, I just thought Darkblast is an upgrade on that.
Yeah, 3 Cruels is too much, Murderous Cut is AMAZING, and yeah I think that Dig Through Time should definetly be in here, I haven't played this deck in a couple weeks because... Well... Control just isn't really good in Modern right now
yeah, ill take a look atyour deck.And i really like the black splash. Previously I was playing a more black version and it wasnt totally working. this version is just taking a normal UR Twin list and converting some cards to black. I converted Peek to Thoughtseize, Flame Slash to Lili, and Forked Bolt to Darkblast.I think a version like this is really good, really the only downside is that Blood Moon is harder to play but you still can play it and also that Lili is kinda pushing it with the double black in thre cost. Other than that, the mana base isnt any worse than UR Twin, i would say this version is better for the most part
OK, I will thanks, Torpor Orb is indeed very very good against this deck
Thanks for all the feedback, I'll definetly consider all the suggestions you have given, my local meta doesn't seem to gave a lot of artifacts or Affinity in general, that is why I am not packing the hate
No, I havent yet, I have been playing Grixis Cruel Control but I REALLY wanna play this
Mostly for Mystical Teachings but the instant speed has other benfits,kills manlands
Yeah I could work that in there, I do love Elixir
I tried 3 Ultimatums, 3 is good for stringing togethor Ultimatums. Mystical Teachings is kind of my high-mana replacemnt for the 3rd Ultimatum, it has so much utility
I tried that once and this deck really loves forests though it is worth it to probably throw in a couple
I agree actually,Aether Vial could be good here and a land instead of Birds
It's a really fun deck, I wasnt sure if I would be happy not playing control but with Twin you are sometimes playing control with the chance to go "oops I win" and with black in the deck it makes at immitating a control, especially after board.
Yes, I actually tested it once so far and learnt some things and got some suggestions from an opponentMainboard: +1 Cryptic Command instead of Kiki, most 3 colour Twin decks dont run Kiki. 1 Liliana in the main and side, trying to take advantage of the fact that there is black in the deck. Went from 3 IoK 2 Thoughtseize, to 2 IoK 3 Thoughtseize, Thoughtseize is so much better.Sideboard: Added Keranos and 1 Anger of the Gods instead of 1 Rakdos Charm
Thanks for the feedback, playing 4 Serum Visions definetly sounds good and Ill check out your deck!
I just made up this decklist so Im not totally sure yet :P
I agree Cruel Control probably isn't as good as UWR Control but I think hand disruption is really cool in Splinter Twin
Idk, even UR Splinter Twin doesnt play that
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