
12 Decks, 27 Comments, 0 Reputation

I like to see sliver players, especially new ones, but yeah, this does look almost straight out the box :/

Posted 22 December 2009 at 10:25 as a comment on Sliver


Hi, I've been playing slivers since weatherlight saga, and love to see anyone getting into them for the first time. Many ways to do slivers, yes you dont need to go prismatic, though I prefer that way.

If you get some of the major slivers, it will help you a lot, I'd directly swap any legions you get for the doors.
I love prismatic omen, not seen it before myself, I usually rely on a good mana base and gemhide.

Homing sliver's are always good to go fetch the big chaps, normally the overlord so he can then fetch any answers you need.

an artifact I found wonderful: Cryptic Gateway

oh, sorry, one more, MikeKillam: Wild Pair only affects you. Your opponants get no advantage from it.

Posted 17 December 2009 at 08:00 as a comment on Slivers please comment


the catacombs and any other black sac land is to thin the deck of lands. Vamps runs fine on 5 land, after that you wanna draw cards not lands, so sac lands thins out the number of lands in the deck, reduces chance the nocturnous has a non-black card on top

Posted 14 December 2009 at 10:43 as a comment on Vampires


it's standard, sadly, counterspell is out. :(
A friend of mine thought I should lose 2 islands, and 2 mountains for 2 arid mesa's and 2 misty rainforests.
We also spotted that if the opponant has a day of judgement in hand in the two turns it takes to kill him after you polymorph, my main deck counterspells wont work (they all anti-creature). So either hope they dont have it in hand, and sideboard later, or swap two of the summoners bane's for a harder counter.

Posted 14 December 2009 at 07:33 as a comment on Poly Prog


There's so much creature kill in standard decks at the moment that many a time I found myself stuck with feast of bloods in hand and not two vamps on the table.
My main deck kills are 4 gatekeepers, 4 disfigures and 2 tendrils, with colour specific kills like doomblade/deathmark/hideous end in the sideboard. Disfigures at least wont clog you hand vs a black deck.

Posted 14 December 2009 at 07:29 as a comment on My Vamps


Not far from the deck I run at FNM's at the moment.

It's good, solid.

yeah, you could do with getting the extra two nocturnus'.

Consider Liliana insted of Sorin, because the turns you have a land as top card, you use Liliana's minus ability to tutor a black card (any black card) to the top for the vamp noc's bonus! I use terramorphics for the same thing, it's a way to shuffle if there's a land there.

If you are trying for standard then yeah, gonna have to take out the rituals. I like sign in blood. (both for card draw, and again, the ability to change to top card of your deck)

I found I only wanted three blades. Also, I prefer the Lacerator as my one drop, life isnt usually a problem for it to matter, and it's a 2/2 turn 1.

Not saying your choices are wrong, just giving alternatives :)

Nice deck though!

Posted 14 December 2009 at 07:19 as a comment on My Vamps


if you're gonna use black and edgewakers I think you need more black clerics to make it worthwhile, how about Cabal Archon's, Rotlung Reanimators, Dark Supplicant and Scion of Darkness?

Where's Mother of Runes and Soul Wardens? :P

How do you get the planar guide back? he's exiled as a cost, not as part of the ability, so the ability doesnt bring him back.

Posted 13 December 2009 at 05:42 as a comment on Annoying Clerics ((need some help to shrink it down to 60 ))


I have to agree with dknight here, the coat and door are just too much overkill. Grab a tutor or two, like the transmuter, get your stone, play the rats, move on to the next game. Nice idea with the haste and the unstable footing to stop the fog.

Posted 13 December 2009 at 05:27 as a comment on Thrum if you Love Rats


Thanks for the comments guys!

Posted 12 December 2009 at 19:44 as a comment on Poly Prog


lullmage mentor mght be a thought, though I dont want more creatures in case they get polymorphed rather than progenitus. The other cards you mentioned are nice, but this is a standard legal deck.

Posted 12 December 2009 at 19:43 as a comment on Poly Prog


okay.. sorry deathwitness but mana burn would never have work even when it existed, it's life loss, not damage.
Roughneckbarbarian: might be wrong here, but the way I understand it, you just made a deck to draw every game. Sorry mate, but you've made an infinate loop which you cant stop. the game is a draw. the damage keeps pouring onto the swine, then to you, down the shield and back to the swine etc. Even though your opponant takes infinate, and you take none, it's looping forever : Game Draw.
Try putting some sacrifice mechanism in, so you can sac your swine after it's stacked a few thousand damage onto your opponant.

Posted 12 December 2009 at 15:02 as a comment on Need help stalling for infinite damage


Is the lack of queen and legion sliver's through choice or available cards? perhaps you should consider the slightly weaker clot sliver over the crypt sliver, only because you can still use the clot sliver when a crystaline is out (crypt you cant). In the same vein, remember you need a sac mechanism out to get rid of you crystaline before you can use the magma.

Posted 28 July 2009 at 07:12 as a comment on Slivers


if you just penalising them for discarding, what happens when they run out of cards??

thats why I always puts some draw element into a discard.. give them something to discard.

Posted 28 July 2009 at 07:03 as a comment on Don't Draw Don't Discard ver 2.5


This looks fun. I wish I could give it a try, but in the enviroment I play in I'd get murdered. Too many cranial extract/extirpate/eradicate effects. Deck needs the hydra's to play.

Posted 17 June 2009 at 14:24 as a comment on Hydra Mayhem


This deck does work... proven many many times

Posted 12 June 2009 at 12:08 as a comment on Elves


lol, I spell good, yes yes

Posted 12 June 2009 at 12:06 as a comment on Eggroll


my my this looks faqmiliar.... and disgusting

Posted 12 June 2009 at 12:05 as a comment on Eggroll


after you strip your lands, you deck is so small, the chance of you drawing traumatise and glimpses are greatly increased, if you draw one of the remaining transmutes, you can use it to grab a glimpse. Its not an ideal way of milling, but it worked for deck swap, and anyone getting my deck was like you.. "how does this work?"

Posted 31 May 2009 at 08:01 as a comment on Suicide Blue


I did well with a brain freeze deck, using cloudstone curio and two cloud of faeries

Posted 28 May 2009 at 08:03 as a comment on Deck be Gone


ahh, nice. a mono-green take on the old turn one black lotus, forest, channel fireball. Like you said, fun if it goes off. Have you got anyone with it yet?

Posted 28 May 2009 at 07:59 as a comment on Windswept


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