oh thats cause its only spelled with one "o", my bad. but orim's chant is an instant for one W that has a kicker of another W and it says "target player can't play spells this turn, if you paid the kicker, creatures cant attack this turn. With this card sceptered, its pretty much game over.
it just seems like youre kinda all over the place with copies of one or two. cut out some of the bad stuff like swans, memory sluice, and other things and replace them with copies of the other stuff. But welcome back, what made you ever stop?
well if you want something amazing with isocron scepter, then you should throw in orrim's chant. best combo with scepter. but if you're more of an unorthodox(meaning like to make your own decks with your own ideas) i like it, but you may wamt some other kind of counterspell other than arcane denial, maybe absorb.
we'll i agree that you shouldnt worry about first turn kills because most of those are only legal in vintage and i dont think youre going to enter any vintage tournaments. Also island sanctuary is horrible. it doesnt let you stall until you find an answer because you never get to draw a card. A good ol' moat would work much better. Also instead of/in addition to cho-manno, you should really think about stuffy doll. much more permanent and also possibly a win condition.
a 40 card deck?
Well you only have 20 lands and like 40 some creatures none of which are that cheap, so my first suggestion would be to take out a lot of creatures and add some lands. Generally it is not a good idea to have 20 lands in a 72 card deck
no this deck is legal in legacy. tutor may be restricted in vintage, but in legacy its perfectly legit. weird huh?
not a bad deck, ive thought about making a deck similar to this. you could add some cards like pestilence(very good if your creatures are pro black) and a very effective way to make all their stuff black is painter's servant. Filth just seems like overkill to me; maybe just concentrate on making all their creatures black then they can't block your pro black guys anyway.
well this isnt type 2, so why don't you throw cards in like a hymn to tourach and maybe you should take out some of the newer slower stuff.
NIce idea. It seems like you're not going for type 2, so i would probably throw Balthor in. He's a zombie and much more effective at getting zombies from graveyard to play.
I might take nekrataal out for a terror or some creature destruction. It's not very useful to have a 1 toughness creature out when you have pestilence. What about in place of the ghost-lit you throw in some white knights. 2/2 pro black first strike for WW.
Part 2: I would think about taking out black and replacing it with blue for some card draw. Oh and by the way, Land Tax is banned in every format.
Well i like the life gain but most of it seems very slow. And some things seem like they don't belong. For example Empyrical armor is unreliable a simple terror will make it useless. And No Mercy, Aura of Silence, and Storm herd are too slow/not very useful. I would also take out loxodon warhammer. And if this deck has 4 ivory towers in it, I think you need some card draw, but all you have is 1 howling mine, which almost makes your discard cards useless.
i like it, except im not sure if damnation is necessary seeing as you will most likely outnumber the opponent in creatures, and i dont think urborgs are necessary either, Maybe just replace them with normal swamps
You do know that if you sacrifice a creature you can't regenerate them.
why do you have the fists of ironwood and primal rages in wheno panglacial wurm already has trample?
why do you have the cavalry masters in when there are only three other creatures with flanking?
well first off, you need three more cards. secondly, it seems a little slow, i dont know what purpose the momentary blink is serving, perhaps take them out for some counterspells to keep you in the game till you get the big guys out.
you know, you can search for cards then add them to your library so people can see what they do simply by clicking on them.
why do you have so many different cards? you should just put more amounts of your best cards in and take out the randoms. Ex. take out the voice of duty, grace, law, etc and replace with voice of all. it is so much better. and why dont you have the best angel, serra? also, it seems slow, it's going to take forever to get those 7 or 8 mana cost creatures out there with 20 lands
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