Oh, thanks. I just redid it. I'm slightly worried about how this deck would perform in games with huge numbers of players, but with 4 or less I think it would be really fun.
That's awesome. I feel like after seeing Athreos, Anger of the Gods and Revoke Existence seem like huge gains in these colors. I'm really shaky on my control deck building/playing though, not to mention building a mana base in 3 colors.
Thanks! I think America can actually become a very formidable player in standard after Journey Into Nyx.
Seems like a cool format. It would be pretty easy for most people to get a deck together, which is nice for new players and anyone who doesn't want to spend a whole lot of money. Here's what I came up with: http://www.mtgvault.com/cardboardshogun/decks/microdeck-bogle/
This deck looks nasty! I really like the Kiln Fiends, they make for some pretty awesome combos when you're flinging and doublestriking all over the place.
I don't even think that's necessary. As the saying goes "Splash Azorius". Keranos has America Control written all over him. That card draw plus the removal and faceburn potential? Its gonna be brutal.
Beautiful deck. I've never seen Duskmantle Seer used anywhere before, so this is really cool. I must say I don't know what is up with the Tormented Hero and Cackler hate by some commenters. Plenty of top-8 decks have used them both in exactly this capacity and they perform perfectly well. The few top-8 standard decks with Pain Seer have made use of Rakdos Shread-Freak and Spike Jester because they are amazingly fast, so that might be worth looking into. Mogis' Maurader might also be worth looking into, but I can see where this deck is too slow for him to be useful, so the Whips of Erebos might be a worthwhile trade for stability, although I have to admit I'm skeptical about running four of them. This looks really cool and I'd love to hear more about how it plays if you get the chance!
I am running Grave Pact, as well as Butcher of Malakir who does the same thing. I do like Ophiomancer as another early drop like bitterblossom though. I'm going to have to find a place for it. Thanks for the suggestions.
Good call. Definitely worth changing. Thanks for the comment!
Really cool! I've never thought of heroic as really an archetype by itself, but this looks like it might work. Seems pretty straightforward, honestly a lot like some draft decks I've played. Love to hear more about it's match-ups!
White Devotion isn't done a whole lot, so its interesting to see. I'm not sure what the thinking is with Nyxborn Shieldmate, but Soldier of the Pantheon hits harder and could potentially help with Path of Bravery. Instead of Auramancer, you could look into Boros Reckoner for the extra devotion and cool mechanic. Also, flyers could certainly be a potential issue, without removal, early-drop threats like Desecration Demon could be devastating. I'd recommend tossing out some enchantments for Gift of Orzhova. It helps with Path of Bravery, gives you flyers, and its a huge devotion bonus when it's on the field. Also, because this is a devotion deck, board state is crucial to victory, so Brave the Elements could potentially be life-saving. Looks fun to play and I'd love to hear about how it's match-ups go with other decks!
Hey, this is actually pretty interesting. Its like Naya Auras but you sacrificed Madcap Skills and Boros Charm for Ascended Lawmage. The advantages of hexproof in an aura deck are immense, so I can see why. The only concern I'd have is about the speed. There isn't really enough removal to play control or mid-range, but turn 4 is a little late to drop an enchantment jockey in an aggro deck, and Gladecover Scout doesn't hit as hard without Madcap Skills. Really cool deck and I'd love to hear how it plays!
This deck is hilarious. The idea of going into mono-black devotion after they sideboard in all of their boardwipes could be really disruptive. I'd like to know how effective the deck is one the sideboard has gone in. Also, I was also concerned about card draw. Without a Phyrexian Arena, the deck burns its hand quick. Especially when Aether Vial gets going. Love to hear more about how it plays if you get the chance!
Actually, a Chromanticore deck has top-8'd before. The trick is to base it mostly in green for things like courser of kruphix and sylvan caryatid. Frank LePore did an article on the deck that qualified:. http://magic.tcgplayer.com/db/article.asp?ID=11657 the planeswalker idea is really cool, and it might be really fun to play. All you gotta do is get the mana base right.
Cool idea! Seems like it would be fun to play. I'm not sure if you've looked into it already, but Sturmgeist might be another option as far as creatures. Not sure if the extra card draw would be too much though, as you can't always count on getting Spellbook or Reliquary Tower. I'd like to hear how it plays!
Nice deck! Its cool to see someone trying to bring back the old "Burn, Burn, Burn" red decks that used to be so cool. I love the use of Oracle of Bones, as well. Not paying the tribute could be a very big mistake indeed, particularly with Fated Conflagration.
This deck is really cool! I imagine the pressure it creates is just evil. Also, I absolutely love Judge's Familiar. A 1/1 flyer for one in 2 colors with a potentially irritating ability? Yes, please.
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