This deck has a lot of high dollar cards you could take out and replace with cheaper cards that could still get the job done in the same way. like you have costly lands we could easily replace that aren't needed. You have enchantments that are nice but not needed for example Liliana's contract. works way better and faster in a all demon tribal deck. your odds of pulling that off are way lower since you run angels and dragons as well as demons you also have more angels and dragons then demons. like for my demon deck if I'm going that route with the win I'd demonic tutor and for it then work my demons out with say an ogre shaman from my grave yard and high mana with say a caged sun so I could have the mana to summon demons and still have mana to play Liliana contract. I got off topic sorry. what I'm getting at is there is to many different things going on at once and it would work way better with some more synergy. and you could fix that easily and in the process drop the price at least to around $200