
11 Decks, 15 Comments, 0 Reputation

Thanks man I didn't think of it.

Posted 30 April 2014 at 22:33 in reply to #460218 on Athreos Servitude


I have a similar B/R deck based on the same concept, using lots of removal and to go against multiple deck concepts. I really like your deck and could use a couple ideas on mine. I would love the chance to go head to head against your deck it would be alot of fun. Thank you for sharing.

Posted 14 March 2014 at 08:52 as a comment on Oppa Jundnam Style...


Against control decks i would suggest thoughtseize or if you dont want to spend the money duress is a good way to remove tricky cards or make them use a counter spell on it instead of a creature, against any white or green deck lifebane zombie works great to exile a baron or the ghost council. I would also think about turning into a mill deck using the black blue god and consuming aberration and instead of jace the architect using the memory adept to mill for 10 and then breaking is a great one too. I like the deck though check out my standard one Master Control.

Posted 12 March 2014 at 18:43 in reply to #438306 on Thieves in the Night


That's where Mogis comes into play being indestructible and keeping exile cards out of their hands using duress and thoughtsieze making them have to top deck any removal spells but even if they do have a devour flesh of any exile spell using barrage of expendables allows me to do one damage and bring my creatures back from the graveyard with the whip of erebos so those desecration demons and master of cruelties have another chance to destroy my opponent. Try the deck i went up against four different SCG PTQ top 8 decks and it did really well. For a mono black deck side board in the dark betrayal and erebos for lifebane possibly slaughter games if playing against pack rats. B/W midrange side out ultimate price for doom blade/dark betrayal. Its alot of fun and alot of people had trouble playing against it.

Posted 11 March 2014 at 05:36 in reply to #445989 on Master Control


Here where I have been playing, people have been using more exiles like curse of swine to turn my desecration demons into a 2/2 boar and with being able to use the whip to bring my creatures back from the graveyard makes for a better reason to be able to sacrifice him and use him again later. I tried throwing in some blue but was having trouble with counter spells and removal spells that I didnt know my opponent had in his hand, duress is a good way to be able to look at a players hand and not lose the 2 life unless there is a big threat that i would use thoughtsieze to remove, for example I played a W/B midrange and was able to remove a devour flesh and leaving him with no way of dealing with my Master of Cruelties or Mogis and seeings how I had barrage out since turn 2 I was able to win on turn 6. Being able to reuse barrage more then just once or twice and being able to send a big creature to the graveyard that magma jet couldnt makes for a good way to protect a creature from exile or to at least do one more damage before he is dead with a ultimate price or dark betrayal I say its worth it but thats whats great about this game there is limitless possibilities and everyone has their own way of playing :)

Posted 09 March 2014 at 04:12 in reply to #445552 on Master Control


Please let me know what you think

Posted 08 March 2014 at 22:33 as a comment on Master Control


I thought about it with hero of iroas out the bestow cost one less making it better as a bestow creature and having it pump ethereal armor and sphere of safety but I'll have to play around with it

Posted 21 February 2014 at 01:52 in reply to #440614 on Aggro Enchantments


Please let me know if there is anything that I can change or improve

Posted 20 February 2014 at 09:32 as a comment on Aggro Enchantments


What do you think should be added?

Posted 14 April 2013 at 23:11 in reply to #341367 on Infinite Mill


You could always use Grafdigger's Cage to keep their cards in their graveyard but they can't play them.

Posted 14 April 2013 at 21:26 as a comment on Something, Something, Darkside


Thanks I haven't seen that

Posted 03 April 2013 at 11:30 in reply to #338205 on Arti-factory


Need some help figuring out how to make this a little better.

Posted 03 April 2013 at 10:40 as a comment on Arti-factory


I just changed out a couple cards for intangible virtue

Posted 01 April 2013 at 03:05 as a comment on Soldier Token (help)


I thought the mana cost was high

Posted 01 April 2013 at 03:02 in reply to #337573 on Soldier Token (help)
