i like it! i just dont think the puny creatures will carry you all the way. i know you got rancor and all the buffs but i dont think thats enough. maybe add corrupted resolve for some counter, and i know its expensive but spinebiter maybe? also maybe aqueous form or tricks of the trade
lol thanks, I don't have the actual cards I just spend all day making decks
reserved for future changes
ohhhhhhh forgot about the 1 damage. nice! hey go tell me what you think of my new deck. i made less creatures this time /: lol
cool! but your just giving them toughness /: there is a card that changes it where cards toughness are actually their power might wana look into it
yea you really needa take out lich and transcendence from your newer one. lol maybe added some wall of glare and ghostly possession combo. and maybe a worship too
you have a couple cards that contradict each other. id removethe nefarious liche or whatever and transcendence. if you were going to use transcendence id also have 4 platinum emperions just so you know you will get one. also you could do a cool sanguine bond and transcendence combo. when you gain life they take that much damage. so have both enchantments out and say you gain 7 life they take 7 damage but since you got transcendence they gain 14 life so unless they are at 5 or less you win
i looked at your old one and i dont see why you would have all that life gain stuff when you have trancendense the closer to 20 the worse
lol thanks! il have to check on em later
wrong comment. weird
hey finished the simic,
heeey might of oaks is an instant
might of oaks is the same but one less mana
enlarge gives him +7 +7 and read spinebitters ability
ok so heres another plan, use spinebitter and attack and use enlarge.
do you know of an instant that gives a creature +7 power?
lol thanks
what about a phyrexian hydra and melira combo
121-140 of 266 items