I actually just made a manifest deck for standard, Green/White though. There seems to be four cards missing from the deck so you might want to check that out, other than that, I like the deck and hopefully you do well at your upcoming Standard events/Game Day.
I like it. Non-Infinite combo (except Palinchron & Deadeye Navigator) Sharuum EDH. I have a deck similar to this but with a lot more artifacts but I dig it.
That's kinda weird too because it contradicts Deck Con. #4 at the same time. I don't know. It may seem ridiculous but if this ever came up, I'll ask a judge. Thank you though for the help.
Hmm that is a possibility but if I were to tutor at a fast rate, I would probably do Genesis Wave. Thanks for the feedback though.
Thanks for the comment. I actually did not know that I can't use Druid of the Anima. I might be thinking a little old school with if it's not that color, it's colorless but I could be wrong. I find Coat of Arms to actually backfire against me because if my opponent wipes the board on my side like say Extinction naming Elves and if they are playing tribal, it pumps them up too. I'll play test with some of the ideas you have and see how it works.
Well with Domri/FotF thing. I think that with Domri, I am showing my opponent a possible answer against them and it would be horrible against removal and control in my mind.I like to try to play out and outthink the control decks so that's just my opinion.Thanks for the comment and glad you like it.