You know, I thought of that the next morning. xD
I'd reccomend Khalonian Tusker over Garruk's Companion, extra Toughness for the same cost
Personally, I'd swap out the Nivix Guild-mage for Goblin Electromancers
Just throwing it out there... Enter the Infinite
Seems to be Vorel
Xenograft might have some interesting interactions reference
I run a dragon deck casually and I recommend Descendant's Path, along with low mana cost dragons like Dragon Hatchling and Slumbering Dragon. They aren't meant to heavy hit, but if you manage to get Path out turn 3, I've played Utvara Hellkite turn 4 and swung with Hatchling for 1 just to get the token mono green kinda modern casual idea I made for a friend of mine
with the black, he could side in putrefy and ultimate price
and if you want to splash a little black, Jarad actually has great synergy with Ghoultree. With the Rancor, swing in for some damage, the sac him with Jarad and that's 12 damage to the face.
Some ideas, because you have a relatively low mana curve, and enough land/creature draw from Mulch and Tracker's, try taking out the Apprentice and the Elks and replace them with something like Boneyard Wurm and Wreath of Geists.
I would add 4 woodland cemeteries and 4 Overgrown Tombs too, and use arbor elf for ramp. I run three in my deck and it works just fine.
For a sideboard option, I recommend a couple ultimate price and, I know this is going to sound crazy, but Essence Harvest. I know most people don't see it a lot, but if you're in a pinch and let's say you have a 5/5 Noble or a strong creature as such, quick burn and life gain. It also makes for a nice endgame card, too. I run a few in my tribal vamp deck and it helps me out every single time.