Good idea, that looks a lot better.
That would be very very bad, yeah I'll definitely put some removal in
While I know a couple of things about the Modern styles of play, and I've heard it's really fast, but I really don't know how fast and what are viable strategies. But I think this should be okaaay.
Rogue's passage is such a fun card, yeah I'll definitely put that in the side board. Otherwise I'm not really sure what else to sideboard.
My thinking is that it doesn't need all that much buff since I only need to deal 10 damage altogether, and life gain won't be a problem. But you're right about the mana curve, I'll get rid of a 5 drop and just add another land.
Oh yeah, I keep forgetting about that. I think I'll swap one for one though, since if I can have a Jace I'd really like to get it, and I wouldn't be surprised if he dies fairly quickly.
that's a good point, I guess wight would be good, but I think the main point of this deck is just to mill them out as fast as possible, so the Jace's phantasm is good as a 6 6 flyer for 1 that I can use to either kill or block with. But the wight I'm uncertain about, maybe I'll sideboard it in case of decks with a lot of creatures.
thanks, I don't normally play mill but I thought I'd give it a go, I'll change that up now.
This deck overall looks pretty solid, but there are a couple of tweeks that might make it work just a bit better. I dont think the Gladecover Scouts are worth it, I understand you're going for a low cost enchantment stacking style deck, and hexproof is very valuable, but as a 1/1 without heroic its really not doing you much good, and Alpha Authority can put hexproof om any of your other stronger cards for only one extra mana. Instead I would recommend maybe a Fleecmane Lion or a Favoured Hoplite, both of which dont cost much at all, are relatively strong for their casting cost and have really powerful abilities that protect themselves. Same goes for the Hopeful Eidolon actually, +1/+1 and lifelink for 4 that could also be a 1/1 with lifelink for 1, while that does have great flexibility, I don't think it's really that great a card, bestowed upon something or not.Gods Willing would probably be a good adition too, protection from a colour of your choice for a turn is great, plus it triggers heroic and only costs 1. As might be a sphere of safety, which slows other swarm decks really well, and by turn 5 you're bound to have a lot of enchantments out; An Into the Wilds to help filter through lands; and an Angelic Edict, which will help remove any major threats. While those three all cost 5 mana I would say they're still worth taking a look at, or at least side boarding.Speaking of your sideboard, I would say remove the Feral Invocation, flashing them onto something is very situational and +2/+2 for 3 isn't very good, I mean just compare it to Unflinching Courage.Thats all I can really think of that might improve the deck as good as it is already. Thanks for the help with mine, I hope I was able to return the favour.
Thanks a tonne for the suggestions, I was so used to having oblivion ring that I forgot it was cycled out. Also, I didjt realise that the tokens heliod summoned were enchantment creatures, that makes him muxh better, especially in conjunction with sphere of safety and ethereal armour. I took all the rest of the suggestions into account and made some changes accordingly, as well as making a a proper sideboard.Thanks again.
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