I assume the poison the wells switch with the demolishes? Also, I'd say this is a serious improvement from the original idea last night.
Wow, that's a lot of creature destruction.
This is pretty cool.
Use ravenous rats instead. That way you don't have to discard too. They cost the same and they're also a 1/1. Also, this is more of a discard deck than a mill deck.
I agree you should take out black and put in extraplanar lens for the mana accel you want. Also put in another seal of fire. Even if you don't take out black though, replace your death pits -- they're expensive, slow, and not really that helpful for burn.
That's funny. I feel like coalition victory is by far the least likely win condition to occur for this deck. You might even consider replacing it with just some other useful cards. If you did then you could probably also streamline the deck some by lowering the # of colors and have more of each of the remaining lands, which would help with mana flow, which almost certainly is a problem for this deck. (Have you actually run the deck? Or was this construction just for fun?)
Could you be more specific about what you mean by, "use eldrazi to put a complete stop to pretty much anything like this..." Because I don't see anything particularly wrong with this. Certainly nothing that a single set just utterly destroys.
It feels like it's kinda slow though. All your mills are small, and grind clock is really slow unless you're doing something else to increase the counter rate. And maybe a howling mine (cheaper and if you're milling them w/ drawing you'll use the bell every turn anyway) or font of mythos instead of temple bell.