Too much variation... the Wellwisher won't do you much good if you only have the one and it is very easy to kill. multiple copies of cards is always a good thing.
1) I am not running the red Akroma because I don't have any plus it is not as good as the white Akroma and it just adds another high cast creature. 2) I don't really plan to play most of my high cast creatures hard casting, only Numot and Akroma and they aren't too important to this deck. 3) This deck is to blow up the board via a Balance Gargadon combo, and then using my dreamscapes and lenses I will build mana faster than my opponent and thereby rebuild faster after the Balance.
I see either counterspell decks, petty burn, land destruction decks and no-creature control decks royally screwing this deck over. you should consider either some way to return phage to your hand or add more phages.
Personally I like to use the Vampire Lord guy as well, and I enjoy running 4 Psychic Drain + 4 Brain Freeze
You may also want to consider Void Maw since it doesn't require the creatures to have died that turn, plus Void Maw naturally has trample.
Might as well throw in two Coat of Arms while you are at it.