4 young wolfs would be cool
thanks for the ideas :)
dont really want to slpash white, kind of want to keep mikaeus, he cancels out heartless and lets my creatures stay on the field when i sack them to the pod but i guess i can get rid of the pharoah and add black sun to my sideboard
i would definitely add the fourth pridemate. one of the best creatures
this is a mono black birthing pod heartless summoning combo deck that basically cheats in fatties one way or another. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=308660
60 is optimum, take out some white knights cloud crusaders a darksteel plate and an ingot anit should work alot better. would find room for stoneforge
I agree about bringing it down to 60, better chance of altar and getting more damage done i would personally take out 4 forks - copy is good but doesnt seem like the direction your deck is going 1 or 2 alliance to arms- its good but you need other cards before it and you only need one for game 2 borous garrison - if you get rid of other cards you need less land, i would choose these but thats me 1 or 2 slagstorm - 2 or 3 should finish a game but you need repercussion and blasphemous so it takes up unnecessary card space 2 soul warden- suture priest tends to do the job 1 insurrection- generally takes out 1 or 2 opponents but if thats not game it gets every one pissed at you so 1 should be all you need maybe add phyrexian altar- for some color to your sack , just useful i might add 2
with DKA coming out humans arent the best idea
im not sure about that, more creatures isnt the best way to go with this kind of deck ( to pand bair)
you have a good point. the reason i run that many is to discard, having a putrid imp and an iona in hand is a combo i like.
good point, i think i'll add it
its ok, but their is definetly better stuff to replace it. why not just run an o-ring?
wouldn't raven guild master die after its persisted?
i would run ink moth if your running day of judgment. you can clear the board pump an insect (later game) and win
never underestimate draw card
no way. primal hunter gets you off your back if you have no cards in hand. relentless you can search death touch or give +x/+x for creature cards in your graveyard. and if you play this deck right their should never be that many in it. primal hunter draws and gets beasts and every now and again gets you a bunch of wurms.
semblance anvil a deceiver exarch to get him out sooner.
sun titan for stuff like that
what about voltaic key?
it plays really well. its also one of the funnest i've played. every now and again i run into having the wrong mana, but i usually have the mana a lot more than not.
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