14 Decks, 11 Comments, 0 Reputation

Not bad, I made a similar deck as well. I used sphere of safety in mine like Jpqirs suggested. And what's you win con in this, might I ask? To utilize your exalted mechanic, you'll only be attacking with one creature at a time. To avoid chump blocking, are you relying on evasion with your flying creatures to get hits in?

You can take a look at mine if you'd like for any ideas, and comment on it if there's something you see that could maybe be better:

Posted 14 May 2014 at 03:42 as a comment on Lol; Windborn Muse Control


Joraga Warcaller and Immaculate Magistrate... Very nice combo you got going there. I'm guessing you're going to want the Warcaller to be your main win condition to be able to lots of damage? I'd recommend getting a play set of him if that's the case. With all the mana ramp that I see happening, using it on him would be very effective. Giving them pseudo haste and making people block only one works well with super powered elves.

I personally recommend the following for a little more consistency:
-2 Wirewood Herald
-2 Elvish Vanguard
+2 Joraga Warcaller
+1 Elvish Archdruid
+1 Immaculate Magistrate

Try play testing it first before making changes to see what would need to go and what would need to be added. Those were just some suggestions just by looking at it without being able to test. Who knows, may hurt the deck. That's why we test!

Posted 10 May 2014 at 04:34 as a comment on 722189


Look into cards like No Mercy. I'll add more suggestions when I get home from work. Just had a few minutes to kill so I hoped on to try and think of anything to add/change

Posted 06 May 2014 at 16:26 as a comment on 569262


Edit: August 24, 2013

I've really changed up this deck now. Removed cards and added others. This deck is much better now than It was previously. New deck description as well :)

Posted 24 August 2013 at 08:32 as a comment on Essence of the Wild


This deck was fun to build but I got stuck trying to make this consistent/good for FFA games

Posted 24 August 2013 at 03:03 as a comment on Multiplayer Extort


Yeah, that and Overwhelming Stampede. I do like what they do but not sure if I should sub something out for them or push the 60 card count a little by adding a few

Posted 05 June 2013 at 01:35 in reply to #360377 on Essence of the Wild


Yeah I've thought about it. Eight enchantments that double my tokens being brought out would be awesome but that's a rather pricey card at 35 ea.

Gameplay wise, I feel the extra mana cost slows me down and you kinda lose the effectiveness of the card by using only half of it's abilities. I personally can't constitute the price of the card for it's effect on the game. But hey, I could be wrong. I'll definitely give it some more play testing :)

Posted 04 June 2013 at 17:55 in reply to #360377 on Essence of the Wild


haha same :D
good fun deck to play

Posted 10 June 2011 at 21:07 in reply to #170459 on Turn 2 win infect


Nice. I like this deck, have one very similar. I made this deck and subbed the quests out for 4 ball lightnings. And i updated your Cunning Sparkmage to Prodigal Pyromancer, its the same everything just different sets

Posted 08 April 2011 at 23:57 as a comment on $26 Standard Burn


Do you know of any cards that work well with lands in a graveyard? I started playing magic around M10 and M11 so i don't know too many of the cards

Posted 08 April 2011 at 02:20 in reply to #151159 on 50 Lands!!


Its honestly not too likely and thats what the side board is for. Toss in all fifteen of the side borad for fifteen mountains and those additional burn cards should hopefully hold me over unitl i get what i need

Posted 08 April 2011 at 02:18 in reply to #151160 on 50 Lands!!
